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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
How about the TMT relocating to the southern ridge? How would you feel about that?
Talks and resolution with all parties are necessary. Without the "trickle down" funding as a result of TMT, and the dengue outbreak hitting national news it's going to be interesting in how it all washes out in the island economy. If sales are off at the grocery stores you can bet it will cost you more to get by.

Community begins with Aloha
It would be revolutionary if an organization like the TMT opened direct talks with the group that until now has been strictly opposed to their project.

Is there one leader of that group?

Is there complete agreement within that group what it would take to allow construction of the TMT to proceed?

What if the group asks the TMT organization for something beyond their ability to deliver, like a Hawaiian Nation or a Hawaiian Kingdom? Can the TMT organization be faulted if they have zero influence with State and Federal officials over those demands?

If the TMT backers and protesters come to an agreement, given that protesters have no legal standing for anything at this time, what would the agreement be worth?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If the TMT backers and protesters come to an agreement, given that protesters have no legal standing for anything at this time, what would the agreement be worth?

State has demonstrated their inability to protect the investment TMT seeks to make, despite the legal standing enjoyed by both parties. An agreement with the protestors might actually be worth more than what State has failed to deliver.
An agreement with the protestors might actually be worth more than what State has failed to deliver.

I think I see what you're suggesting:

I pay taxes.
The taxpayer funded DOH tells me I'm on my own dealing with the dengue fever.
I make my own agreement with the mosquitoes.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
dakine: As in talking is good threatening to send hundreds of law enforcement officers isn't.

Somehow this makes it sound like enforcing the law is wrong. If the protestors weren't there, there would be no arrests, no chance for violence. The line of cause and effect is clear to most.

Even if they were there, peacefully protesting (off the road, no obstructions, etc.) but, of course, that isn't an option for the "warriors".

It would be revolutionary if an organization like the TMT opened direct talks with the group that until now has been strictly opposed to their project.

I agree with HotPE that TMT is an organization, the protestors are not--hard to talk.

When you say "until now" do you mean that the protestors have had a change of heart? Wow, you want to make the headlines, that would do it...

"TMT Protestors Show TRUE Aloha, Back Down to Redirect Their Contempt Properly at Corrupt OHA and DNLR"

As has been mentioned many times, if the TMT is stopped, "Hawaiians" have gained nothing since the TMT in no way "oppresses" them. A feel-good moment perhaps, at the expense of the rest of the world. Some would see it as the "success" of selfishness and arrogance. Others as a reason to party.

If the protestors "win" what would be their next target? OTEC? UHH ag dept?

I find it insensitive and counterproductive that TMT officials have completely ignored the left handed people with Filipino ancestry community. It would be revolutionary if TMT leaders sat down with the L.H.P.F.A. and actually listened to their concerns without hiding behind the State. It would bring tears of joy to my eyes to behold such a long overdue gesture. Then I can say I never thought I'd live to see the day.
I pay taxes. The taxpayer funded DOH tells me I'm on my own

Exactly -- and we're paying top dollar for this level of "service" from DOH.

Unfortunately there's no way to fire State for non-performance. I'm pretty sure we could get much better value if we hired the services directly, because then they would at least have to follow our agenda instead of their own.

I wonder how much TMT has invested in the permit "process" that didn't actually grant them the right to start construction?
The protesters are adamant that their goal is defeating the TMT. What is there to talk about? The big bad evil State of Hawaii has nothing to gain by catering to such a rabble, therefor they won't. Strange that the protesters have built the State up into such a completely evil foe but still hope that said enemy will just roll over in the face of a few upside down flag wavers. The actions of the protesters are completely divisive. Acknowledging them any more than absolutely necessary would add to the mess being created by the protesters.

ETA: What is lacking most is the rule of law. That's where the hundreds of police come in. I breathed a sigh of relief when I read that it sounded like the state and county were finally taking their responsibility to uphold the law seriously.
The big bad evil State of Hawaii has nothing to gain by catering to such a rabble, therefor they won't.

Except that they already have.

What is lacking most is the rule of law.

Good one -- Big Island has spotty "rule of law" at best.

like the state and county were finally taking their responsibility to uphold the law seriously

Isn't the State required by law to manage public health? Specifcially, to contain outbreaks of disease...

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