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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
If TomK the astronomer says pahoated the non-astronomer is blowing smoke out his ass, well it is what it is. How each of us responds says something about us and that is what it is. Not saying that TomK is absolutely right and pahoated is absolutely wrong but given what I have to go on, what we all have to go on, I conclude that TomK's response was the more valid and defensible. Pahoated was really putting it out there and inviting comment with such statements. He got a valid response. Not much to say about that. Surprising then when someone says something about it.
Behold the slathering of a thick layer of goopy sugary romanticized icing on a racist's cake.
Just pointing out the characteristic of your ongoing racist spiel, dakine.
After reading this article and trying to get my understanding of Na'i Apuni up to speed it seems to me that this hurried push to get these elections done will send Hawaiians on an irreversible path toward recognition. This Organization is too secretive with their closed meetings and processes of qualification.
Why the big rush? Why won't they make their records public. It all looks very fishy to me.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Well.... Isn't this turn of events interesting....

Sigh... I am staying out of this till they start actually constructing the telescope... or they move it someplace else.


I can assure you that PT was blowing smoke. It's what he does regularly. One of my areas of expertise is infrared astronomy and his claim makes no sense whatsoever, and everyone knows he won't provide evidence to back up his claim. The infrared noise claim was astonishing. I really want to know where that came from.

As for Dakine, sorry, you really need to wind your neck in. Someone makes a ridiculous and incorrect claim, I point it out but you call me the troll. Why don't you have a problem with PT's regular personal insults? Selection bias?


"yo pahoated.. did you forget to take your meds?"

Why don't you complain about yourself?
HOTPE - is there anyone you think would make a good delegate were they to win the election?
As I don't have a strong opinion on the "correct" outcome of the process (nor a vote), there isn't any particular candidate I'm focusing on. However, given the variety of individuals with experience in business, non-profit, OHA, Kam schools, activism, etc, those involved can hopefully find someone qualified to represent their views.

kimo wires - it seems to me that this hurried push to get these elections done will send Hawaiians on an irreversible path toward recognition... Why the big rush?
The timing feels like it is tied to the extra $3 million dollars a year that is being given to OHA for the next two years, which is indirectly funding the process through a non-profit grant ($2.6 million to Akamai Foundation).

There is some speculation that the end of the Obama presidency may also be a factor as a new Republican administration may not be as supportive of nation building efforts.

Whatever the causes, there appears to be a concerted effort to move forward and resolve the situation, with federal recognition being one possible solution among others as determined by the 'aha delegates, yes? What about Na'i Aupuni makes federal recognition seem predetermined?

Early December will be interesting both to see the delegates that have been elected (and hopefully some stats on voter participation) and to see if the State Supreme Court will actually issue a ruling or just further extend the stay of TMT's permit.

If not now for the Hawaiian people, then when?
ironyak: but people here apparently haven`t bothering reading the candidate list

I am ineligible to vote. Wink

Originally posted by kimo wires

After reading this article and trying to get my understanding of Na'i Apuni up to speed it seems to me that this hurried push to get these elections done will send Hawaiians on an irreversible path toward recognition. This Organization is too secretive with their closed meetings and processes of qualification.
Why the big rush? Why won't they make their records public. It all looks very fishy to me.

The author of this opinion piece has resorted to outright lying. There are two groups, those that support the Hawaiian Kingdom and those that support the Hawaiian Nation. The Hawaiian Kingdom is Republican and the Hawaiian Nation is Democrat. Considering the past few years of blatant lies from the Republicans, it isn't a surprise to see the Republican practice of pathological lying being applied here. Na'i Aupuni is totally legal and registered with the state.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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