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Health Care comes to Red Road
Puna Community Medical Center has moved its Medivan to Kalani Honua and has begun seeing patients on the 1st and 3rd Fridays from 9 - 1. Call 930-6001 for info.
Mahalo René, wonderful news for many down that way.
Yesterday, Jan. 6th, the Hawaii County Council approved a $10,000 grant from Councilman Greggor Ilagan's Contingency Fund to support the start-up expenses for the mobile medical clinic/medivan project.

Puna Community Medical Center is also working with Kua O Ka La charter school to bring the medivan to their campus for 2 days a week starting this summer. It will provide school and sports physicals, including vision and hearing tests,'uku checks and TB tests for the students and regular urgent care services for the neighboring communities (Kapoho, Vacationland, WaaWaa, etc.).

PCMC wants to maximize the use of the medivan, and the above are feasibility/demonstration projects that will give us the information we need to develop a long-term program to increase Puna's access to healthcare. Mahalo for your support.
Rene Siracusa, President

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