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Geminid Meteor Shower Sunday
I just stared for a few minutes after my eyes adjusted and saw nothing but the most beautiful sky I've seen in a long time.

Welcome to PunaWeb Mr Nice Guy - Aloha!!
Skies shaping up well here, few clouds now. There seems to be some haze though, perhaps vog. How's it looking there Tom?
Went outside half an hour ago, let my eyes adjust to the dark (for 20 minutes) and still could only just make out Orion. Although low in the sky, Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, was very dim.

I saw a couple of dim flashes, they may have been bright Geminids seen through the murk, but no trails. The sky to the east looked promising though, looked a little clearer that way.
Mr nice guy, welcome. There is nothing else to compare to a clear, dark night view of the sky in Hawaii!
All the welcomes are encouraging me to give it another shot.
Tom: I think only a true physicist/astronomer like yourself could come up with a description of the night sky that is both a lesson and an observation. Thanks.
Thanks, beejee, but seriously, if you want to get to know the night sky, amateur astronomers are the best. Try and find one!

Most professional astronomers are really physicists and are much more interested in specific phenomena and aren't always that good at describing the night sky. That doesn't mean all pro-astronomers don't know the night sky, but a serious amateur will beat us all of the time!

Most comets, for instance, are discovered by amateur astronomers and named after them.

I wanted to explain more, but getting very tired now and there's little improvement in sky conditions here. Happy to take this discussion further if you want.
I gave it another shot.
I observed nothing but a more beautiful sky than what I had observed earlier.
It looks like it is clearing for observers South of Hilo.
I just tried again as well but it's hopeless. It's like trying to do deep-sky observing from downtown LA.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you watching the night sky, Mr NG?

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