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Bringing dogs from west coast to Big Island
Has anybody ever been denied shipping their dogs here on a particular date because airline says it's to dangerous at this time because of headwinds? How could one's pets be a danger to a 747 when they haul all kinds of luggage? Bad enough that two of the dogs were gonna cost $3000.00 to ship. They were suppose to come on 22nd of this month then United drops this "headwind" excuse? Now United says the dogs can't fly until April! Anybody hear of this before?


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Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
When a pet is in the cargo hold it has to be heated to keep the pet from freezing.The heat comes from hot air bled off of the engines.This causes the engines to burn a slightly higher amount of fuel and coupled with strong headwinds the plane wouldn't have an adequate amount of reserve fuel to be legal.
If there are no pets then the cargo heat is turned off.
Very informative - mahalo Obie.
yes try another airline if possible
Ditto on Delta. After a series of well-publicized pet deaths a few years ago, Delta has reformed its policies and procedures from top to bottom and has gone from worst to first.
We brought 7 parrots and a dog over on Alaska Airlines. No problems.

If you are asking an airline that allows pets as checked baggage and they tell you no, hang up the phone. Look up their air cargo number on their web site, call them, and ask them about shipping the animals. You'll get a different answer (and also a different rate (maybe higher)). When it comes time to ship your pet, you'll have to take your pet to the air cargo office rather than the typical ticket counter (these locations can be miles apart, but typically at the same airport) and the animal will ride in the same compartment as luggage and if you plan it right, the same plane as you.

If you don't get the answer you want from one airline, call another. If the DIY fails, call the pet transport company on Oahu that advertises all over the internet. They have negotiated rates with the airlines so even after their fees, your end cost may actually be less. We've transported animals both ways and in the end, using the company was cheaper and MUCH less headache.
Has anyone traveled to/from mainland with an emotional therapy animal lately? Going thru airport terminals on the mainland these days looks a lot like a trip to Petco on animal adoption day! Tons of dogs (some very obviously Not trained!!) and they are just on leash and I guess legal to travel in cabin as long as they are small enough. Now that Susan from Hilo Holiday Pet Hotel has passed ( :-( already miss her), not sure who I would trust with my little bundle of furry love. I never understood that "emotional therapy animal" moniker but I do now. Not sure who I miss more when off island - the dog or the husband!
This is one time I WANT pahoated to chime in .. Come on Ted,,,, Its Saturday night !!! bring it !!!

Originally posted by Chunkster

Ditto on Delta.

I wouldn't recommend Delta because Delta stands for Don't Ever Let Them Aboard.
You may want to contact:

Have had friends use them. They said they were great.

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