Not sure what to make of this old wives tale. So I am wondering what folks here might think.
Could some of puna's frogs,toads, or lizards be Carrier's of an HPV virus that could cause warts?
Wondering if kids that were bitten(open abrasion) by these tropical creatures, would they be at a higher risk of contacting this wart virus?
Also what are some natural remedies or treatments that could or would combat these warts or viruses? As to not having to take the keiki in to a doctor and have them burned off.
Any opinions,links,facts, or thoughts to this old wives tale may be helpful, mahalo in advance.
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I would be more worried about salmonella than warts.
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Wondering if kids that were bitten(open abrasion) by these tropical creatures, would they be at a higher risk of contacting this wart virus?
Only if those toads were cursed by a witch living in an unpermitted Gingerbread house, deep in the dark albizia forest.
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
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Not sure about the frogs ..
Search it up Gypsy you will read everything from duct tape, to Apple Cider Vinegar to Urine + harsher methods
Besides above, make sure they keep their feet super clean as much as possible to prevent or prevent spread.
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As a kid, when I often had warts popping up, there was, what I think was OTC, a blue or purplish colored liquid concoction the folks would paint on those things.
It worked, albeit rather slowly by a kid's time frame.
But, they did go away.
I have no idea as to what it was called.
I would assume it is still available and effective.
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Putting a piece of potato on a wart overnight, held in place with a band aid, is an old folk cure for warts that actually works for some warts. The wart tingles like there is electricity running through it and then drops off. I have no idea how or why this works, but it does.
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Don't see any reference to potato specifically, but Snopes addresses quite a list of folk remedies.
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A couple of years ago on his show, Doctor Oz said the duct tape actually works. I think you leave it on for several days.
As a kid, I used to get warts on my knees; my mom fussed and fussed, but nothing worked. She finally gave up and the warts disappeared. Read into this what you will.
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"Only if those toads were cursed by a witch living in an unpermitted Gingerbread house, deep in the dark albizia forest."
Never understood this. If the princess kissed the frog/toad she'd end up with warts on her lips, so why would the newly transformed prince think of kissing her back and marrying her? It would be a health hazard and might possibly turn him back into a frog unless she had a thorough understanding of the medical risks.
Apparently people didn't enjoy telling me fairy tales when I was a toddler, but I don't know why...
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Maybe they realized you were going to be a Scientist and wouldn't fall for that nonsense!
Some wive's tales are helpful. Toads/frogs passing on warts IMO isn't.