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Is Kalani kitchen ('restaurant') still open?
Anyone know if meals are still being served to the public at Kalani?

I know a couple weeks ago they got a 'yellow' rating by the state DOH, usually that means tentatively left open pending some outstanding concerns being cleared up...

anyone know if they have been restored back to green/pass status?

I have eaten there many times, got the old lava butt a few times but it usually went well, I know they have not been allowed to actually cook in the kitchen for a couple years now (they cook out of the chicken coop looking structure behind the kitchen/dining building) but just in the past couple weeks went yellow....

might go for breakfast this weekend if they are back operational.
um, you actually want to go back to a place where you've gotten food poisoning "a few times"?

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
Hawaii District Health Office/Hilo
1582 Kamehameha Avenue
Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: 808-933-0917
FAX: 808-933-0400
I have been eating meals at Kalani for over 15 years and have yet to get food poisoning. They serve 3 meals a day to their guests and staff. Generally it's abundant and delicious.

Here is more info:
Originally posted by Lee M-S

um, you actually want to go back to a place where you've gotten food poisoning "a few times"?

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>

I should have specified I used to work there so by 'many times' I really meant many hundreds
I should have specified I used to work there

Act surprised: former employee (possibly disgruntled) raises questions about their ex-employer.

Kalani has its issues, but the food is definitely not one of them.
what do you consider 'their issues'?

curious what the insight of an outsider may be, I am far from a disgruntled ex-employee although their is likely no shortage of disgruntled former employees so I understand your skepticism in regards to my motives...

I just really like their bagels & granola, hence wondering about breakfast
A good Breakfast anywhere consists of bagels and birdfood(granola) as side options or some type of garnish,jmo. Just curious if they(kalani) offer any garlic biscuits, or maybe sausage or chip beef SOS, loco-moco's, or fried anything from potatoes to ice cream?

P.S. Wait this isn't the retreat place that holds the hillbilly's naked slumber parties the same weeks as young children's birthday parties, is it? The pool or dining atmosphere probably gets a bit awkward at times if it is the place, jmo.

Digital Hillbilly are you actually claiming to have been food poisoned by Kalani kitchens "many hundreds" of times? Am I reading that right?
No, I ate there 'many hundreds of times', I got the biblical squirts just a few times, I was pointing out the very low squirts/meals ratio to explain to Lee M-S why I still eat there occasionally...

'...I have eaten there many times, got the old lava butt a few times ...'

he then asked why I still eat there and my next post was to clarify the amount of times I ate there was in the hundreds, compared to the amount of time I had issues as only a few

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