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Growing older in Puna
Seeing the obit for Patty Duke reminded me of watching her show when I was a kid and thinking she was sooo much older than me. She was six years older.
Ha ha ha ha - Rob Tucker, don't know what I'd do without my two young, strong grandsons!!
In our 90s - gracefully aged out in our 80s.
Hubby a few years older than myself.
All the puna webbers a mere 30 years or so younger than us.
It is all about attitude and a bit of gravity thrown into the stew - as long as we are able - we still greet each new dawn with a sense of accomplishment and joy .

Mrs . Mimosa
Aloha Glenview Kupuna: Have been following your posts since you two began, and valuing your wisdom and (mostly) soft words for the still-to-learn such as I. Not 30+ your junior, but a little less than 20. I now know how much I don't know. Always appreciative at your taking the time to sit down at the computer and compose your missives when so much is going on in daily life. bless you,

Being called "Auntie" is one of the perks. So respectful, and at the same time, so warm. It also usually comes with a tacit offer of any help I might need. It's wonderful, living among the younger people in Puna.Their aloha is very real.
Vancouver, I suggest wearing tsinelas now to strengthen as you can and consider OC / Surfski in lieu of SUP .. Yur feet will thank you.

Oh and also ... Set your font size reading back ( smaller ) one click ... You will be amazed !! Two/3 weeks and yes,,,,, your eyes hating it ... No headaches but they will feel dry.

Tough it out. Go back to full / oversize only if you have to for work / income of course.

Reset to bigger ( where you left off ) after three weeks and it will look too big now ... But do it for a day ... Your eyes will hate it, now you can go back to lower and enjoy stronger vision you just restored. I think you will see the rejuvenation / difference when you at Supermarket reading labels first.

"Being called "Auntie" is one of the perks."

That doesn't work for me for some reason... [Wink]
I was in Long's a couple of days ago and when I was checking out I was having trouble getting my card to work, tried sliding it, then inserted it, must have been backwards or upside down, and every time the little checker was saying "try again Uncle'. I thought to myself, you say that one more time and I'll slap you.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

One thing I keep running into when looking at some chores on the farm or house:

That's why God created strong young men.

I sure see the wisdom there. Especially so with dead ohia everywhere. But where are these guys?

I can usually round up a few guys or gals in Pahoa without difficulty. Most recently at the Tin Shack Bakery. There will generally be some young people there in need of some extra money. I find they are generally most productive for about four hours or so. And when I hire 3-4 I usually find in the mix someone who's phone number I want to keep.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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