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Need advice on catching a rooster
What is that law about livestock wandering onto your property? Does that apply in Hawaii?

I'm getting hungry...
Puna: Our roosters crow first
In our experience, roosters are friendlier and bond to humans at a much younger age than hens. In other words, they make better pets. People like that... until they start crowing. Then they want to get rid of them. Somebody once dumped an elderly rooster in front of our property. When we got to our gate it jumped up on our daughter's shoulder. Our neighbor five lots down raises "show birds": There is no shortage of people who troll Craigslist etc looking for free roosters to help train their fighting cocks. And by training, I mean, "free" roosters getting killed by the $500 roosters for practice. If you don't see any "missing pet rooster" signs in your neighborhood, I would be very cautious of anybody looking to collect a "free" or "missing" rooster. We do give them away on occasion- we will give them to people for eat, for breeding, but never for fight. A few easy questions weeds them out.

But by no means give a rooster away to anybody who answers a "found" ad for it unless they have a believable back story. It could live a miserable short existence or worse yet, a miserable long existence.
"What is that law about livestock wandering onto your property? Does that apply in Hawaii?"

Random feral roosters aren't livestock, they are an invasive species. And they taste just like chicken.

ETA: Italics
Whatever you do, please get video with lots of close-ups and upload it to youtube. Think of the instructional value for Puna hunter-gatherers, not to mention upholding our reputation in the broader world.
See if you can borrow someone's "GoPro" camera and strap it to your head. The video would be quite entertaining watching a "first timer" if nothing goes slightly amiss, and what I mean by slightly is the only breathing thing injured is the rooster in the end. Mission accomplished.
Could even do a Steve Irwin type documentary to add flavor!

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