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Richard Ha - Cannabis Conniseur?
Originally posted by gypsy69

Another valid point hotpe, wonder if the list of folks wanting to grow banana is as long as mmj. Sorry but if a 600 acre cotton(banana)farm is seeing future problems with continued profits, those aren't good signs for the banana industry,jmo.
The fire ant is a serious threat to all outside future production of anything in puna, so is this ohia wilt (rod). Because the fungus is carried by the soil,water, wind and does affect other farmed crops and fruit trees. Now I don't want to discourage you hotpe from farming outside in puna or the big island but times, climates, and environments are a changing. Its no fun or picnic to be rained on by fire ants while harvesting banana,guava,mango or lychee, the day is pau,jmo.

Personally I think the tango, andro, or other ant baits and pesticides people are using regularly around many close to the ocean properties, are starting to reach our ocean coastlines. These products could endanger our ocean environment as well,jmo.

Editing to add fire ant link, these new pests are especially dangerous for our loved pets because they can and do cause blindness.

Added another local related fire ant article, they do like to nest in bananas after all.

Pasting this here !
Originally posted by gypsy69

A few links here for those interested in what side of some important community issues Mr. Ha has lobbied for recently.

These things Mr. Ha stands for or lobbies for may not deserve the opposition, but the oppressed opposition should also have a voice besides Mr Ha's reiterated one,jmo.

I have to save this too !!!
I read recently that Hawaii was the state rated highest in political corruption... I'm not saying that's why Ha got the permit...But he has no background in growing cannibas that I know of...He does support the use of GMO's and will certainly use every chemical and pesticide approved by the FDA.. Medical was suppose to be a healthy alternative to Big Pharma's Pill pushing empire...Not another big money maker for the state and business, If it's all just about the Money why not just legalize it and let the state make their Money taxing it...So many third generation growers on the island and most grow organically.. And have amazing knowledge.. I wouldn't recommend buying from dispensaries that are only involved for the money...IMHO

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
Obie wrote:

"Pasting this here !"

I'm assuming Obie is posting Gypsy's posts so that people will know what Gypsy originally posts and then what he edits his posts to say after people respond to them. Thank you Obie.

Gypsy's habit of editing his posts, even deleting them, after people have responded without explaining his changes is downright dishonest and unethical. I'm glad I'm not the only person who has noticed this behavior.
But he has no background in growing cannibas that I know off..
Why would one have to have a background in growing it? The stoners always claim its just a plant, and Richard Ha has a lot of experience growing plants, doesn't he?
Yeah ...Stoners don't know much you can tell that by looking at the past three Presidents....

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
tax structure and labor costs along with mandatory health insurance is going to make the Hawaii workforce totally noncompetitive

Agree 100% -- except for the tense: the Hawaii workforce is already totally noncompetitive.

I used to wonder how it could possibly be cheaper to import a crew -- but when you fly people in to do a job, guess what, they work at least 8 hours/day!

Originally posted by grumpyscosmos

I read recently that Hawaii was the state rated highest in political corruption... I'm not saying that's why Ha got the permit...
But, of course, you are... One thing possibly in Mr. Ha's favor in the evaluation of potential licensees was that he has demonstrated scrupulous honesty and compliance with the laws in his prior farming efforts - something that your third generation growers might possibly not have such a good record of - which is not to say that they wouldn't have a record (with the police). No doubt they would be scrupulously honest with their inventory control (and not have half of their product going out the front door while the other half goes out the back) and their cash accounting would be flawless.

Originally posted by grumpyscosmos

But he has no background in growing cannibas that I know of...He does support the use of GMO's and will certainly use every chemical and pesticide approved by the FDA.. Medical was suppose to be a healthy alternative to Big Pharma's Pill pushing empire...
...So many third generation growers on the island and most grow organically..
And another "knee slapper"... I am sure that all your third generation growers never used pesticides or GMO varieties and, if they did, they would certainly disclose it... Any old timers reading this might remember when the police were using paraquat (I think I am right on this; if it wasn't paraquat, it was another very nasty herbicide) to spray the growers patches and the (first and second generation) growers were harvesting the dead weed and selling it. So the police had to change from water borne paraquat to a diesel mixture in an effort to make the sprayed weed identifiable for prospective buyers... Those first and second generation growers were, I'm sure, only interested in serving the communities needs - completely altruistic, just like the third generation growers...

Originally posted by grumpyscosmos

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "

Won't disagree with you on that one - but I think we might not be able to agree on precisely which profoundly sick society this applies to.
You write the truth grumpycosmos, mahalo.

That's some interesting history you write about geochem, paraquat really? Just seems a bit crazy, If this is true. That the police,green harvest,and dlnr were spraying paraquat in our tropical ohia rain forests for years to kill off the same types of mmj now being grown by folks like Mr. Ha. That could help explain the evolution of the mmj dealer. Many 1st and 2nd generation growers probably just grew their own mmj until it was sprayed with paraquat. Once they realized the mmj was bunk they may have thought they better try selling it quickly( not knowing the hazards ). And there is the birth of the mmj dealer, just joking.

Seriously though this war on this drug or medicine has created so many changes around this now medical wonder mmj. This mmj war may have brought some of the best pioneering growers indoors or made them change strains, change medicinal potency, maybe even become less law abiding or move away from Hawaii altogether?

What's amazing to me is how the state now condones or wants to sell the same mmj products to the same clientele or patients that folks like Mr. Cristie and Mr. Ruggles were recently arrested for doing after the state made its mmj law changes in 2001. How many good people, and families here on the big island have been terrorized or broken due to the many years of extreme mmj eradication procedures(helicopters, swat teams, and military technologies)?

Anyway changes are happening everywhere in this industry now, its hard to follow them all. Here is a few recent articles from other states going through the same or similar process our state is attempting. Being that Hawaii seems to be a copy cat state rather than a leader, we are probably paying close attention to west coast states like col,wash,ore, and Cali's new mmj laws, jmo.
How many good people, and families here on the big island have been terrorized or broken due to the many years of extreme mmj eradication procedures

There is a good documentary by Ken Burns that was shown on PBS a while back, Prohibition.

All those good bootlegging people and moonshine selling families terrorized, arrested, jailed, only to have the large corporations, Pabst, Miller, Schlitz move in and take over their business after Prohibition was repealed.

History repeats itself.

PS - When any supporters of 3rd generation organic growers pick up a cold six pack at the Wiki, do you pause for a moment and wish you could still find a jungle moonshiner instead, who uses only pure cane and organic yeast in his 5th generation product?

"I'll take a bag of ice with that Bud, thanks."

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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