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Richard Ha - Cannabis Conniseur?
I'd rather have an honest and intelligent person like Richard Ha growing the pot instead of people who have no problem breaking the law.
PaulW, that was short and to a very good point.
Your opinion was great although a bit predictable. It would be nice to also hear some views or opinions from some of the over 12,000 state mmj card holders. You know just to see, hear, or read if they( the patient's ) want someone with Mr Ha's farming background, possibly spraying their sensitive medicine indoors. When they themselves could be sensitive to the added fertilizers or chemicals, whether its mansanto products or not.

By the way PaulW, Mr. Ha may have failed to graduate one of our very difficult area high schools, Paving the way to his Vietnam or military experience. Honesty on the other hand is a wonderful human quality to have, and i am quite sure some of those mmj first believers, generational growers, pioneers, and the dangerous Hippies may possess this same quality as Mr. HA DOES,jmo.

Good afternoon to you HOTPE, hope you are enjoying this mothers day. Mahalo for your reply, love your reasoning. I will check the pbs show "prohibition" out later, as All of this mmj nonsense will probably make just a little more sense once I do.
It would be nice to also hear some views or opinions from some of the over 12,000 state mmj card holders.

Yes, now that the law has been passed, the dispensary owners have been chosen, and they are getting their facilities ready to go - - now would be a good time for the mmj card holders to provide some input. Maybe they can find some rocks to put in the dispensary driveways, and call themselves The Organic MMJ Protectors.

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Exactly my point hotpe, state does not care enough to make sure to gather the oppressed "affected community" opinions anymore, feels very profit only driven. This lawyer way of thinking, If they no can vote, then vote no can count, kind of attitude is getting old out here in Puna.
This may be why the super ferry, TMT project, geothermal ventures, and this way of operating the first mmj dispensaries all may fail?
Yes its true, If the concerned residents or affected community voted, contested, or were listened to( part of the communication process) regarding these projects. These multi-million or billion dollar (ORIGINAL) projects we now don't have at all, may not have been wanted or operated anyway?

Then again a greater chance of reasoning in a pono or respectful manner could have helped pave the way to this desired common ground. The greater amount of concerned others, then being allowed to take their meaningful part of the important communication process may have reached some kind of Common ground. Possibly avoiding some of the families(community) heart ache, court headaches or peoples governmental or state agencies mistrust, jmo.

My point again is those mmj card holders have been sharing their concerns surrounding this alternative medication for more than a decade already. Had no problem finding Mr. Ha's valuable mmj opinion on line, multiple times. He does not care to smoke,eat, or use it, only wants to grow it to help his long time employees keep their jobs and help some folks who may really need it. While that opinion of his is commendable, those are not the only mmj affected opinions I was wanting to read about.
Maybe Surveys should be completed by these thousands of mmj card holders to try and establish a good starting mmj patient, pharmacist, state, and governmental trust relationship? They are Americans with an opinion to how they would like to manage their illness or pains the rest of their lives, it seems like they and their ideas should be explored and included. Jmo.
"By the way PaulW, Mr. Ha may have failed to graduate one of our very difficult area high schools"
He did? So what? Did you ever graduate from anything?
Human culture has an extensive and impressive history with marijuana, it's remnants can be found in burial sites with other few precious items dating back thousands of years.

I am not a proponent of casual pot smoking, it's too powerful for that and hence has a strong effect on emotional growth and maturity. That said, I am a proponent for its occasional use with spiritual intentions.

Herbs that can expand consciousness are a rare gift and should NEVER ever be treated with artificial chemicals or GMO's. It's hugely disappointing to hear that Mr. Ha has no awareness of the proper cultivation of this sacred herb.

I think his product should be boycotted. Haha
PaulW, just saying that he may not be smarter than the average american guy. Hawaii may have the worst public school system in the nation, on top of that this part of hawaii (puna) may rank at the bottom of that bottom. Which could mean we have a lot of pretty uneducated folks in these parts, myself included. Most who do graduate out here are not college material or ready for the institutional way of life, also the ones who fail anywhere let alone here usually aren't labelled smart. Jmo.

Interesting opinion punatic007, thanks for the brain food too.

So by your reasoning anyone who went to college around here is smart?

Sacred herb, give me a break. It's just a plant.
I meant to reuse your term intelligent rather than smart, my bad PaulW.
And no. My reasoning was that just about everyone from here (puna) who does graduate public high school or not, go to college or not, usually isn't considered smart or intelligent due to our public educational ranking year after year.
Anyway Mr.Ha may have recieved a better education in his time served in Vietnam rather than his hawaii high school years. I Still am not sure that either type of educational background makes for the best possible millionaire picked to run one of our local mmj dispensaries. Jmo.
This might be a little late for the discussion, but I had a tiny window into the application process and I can say, I am glad this choice was made. Very encouraged the state decided to keep it local.

This process was not easy. You basically had to have the business "ready to go" prior to getting the permit. It took most of them about 2 years to get everything in place to even apply. The process was highly intensive and costly. I met and worked with one of the applicants on their application and I can tell you with certainty their stress level was maxed out for the past 2 years. I really had no envy for those guys and gals going through the process.

There are about 10-12 "groups" of growers from other states that move to the next state that legalizes. Basically, these groups are all vying to be the Walmart of herb. They are well financed, know the legislation and systems and are scaling up their operations on a national level. I truly believe the State did the right thing by not issuing a permit to one of these big, national growers.

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