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How to use a roundabout
What happens when you try to speed through a Roundabout:

In Romania:

Roadway roundabouts are supposed to help control speed and reduce the risk of accidents.

Unfortunately, they’re not always successful.

CCTV footage from Braila, Romania taken on May 4 shows a car zoom through a roundabout and go flying through the air to the other side.


Citing local media, the Daily Telegraph reported that motorists had complained about poor lighting at the roundabout. However, the paper also said that the 22-year-old motorist in the video may have fallen asleep at the wheel.

The driver was not injured, but could face criminal charges for damaging the roundabout.

In the United States, drowsy driving is believed to be responsible for up to 1.2 million crashes, 8,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries every year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
that video has been going around on FB, contemplated posting it myself. Wink Lucky a pedestrian was not crossing the road at the time, could have killed someone.

I think the roundabout is getting better with time. A few months after construction is pau, and everyone has had a chance to practice it will be the new norm. I already see a big improvement.
I've driven thru the roundabout at least once a day since it opened. I was skeptical at first, but i have to say that the roundabout seems MUCH safer than the old intersection. Confusing maybe, but dangerous no. That being said, I've noticed that just one confused driver can basically jam up the whole thing for everyone else. Hopefully that will get better over time, but I still wonder what will happen when there is an accident. yes there is room to move over, but I don't really trust people's judgement to do that. Jam an ambulance and police SUVs in there too and I don't see how traffic could possibly get by.

I think it's also the perfect metaphor for Puna. What used to be a direct route from Main Street into Malama Market is literally the longest way around. How much of our lives is spent going around in circles with a bunch of stoned Punatics? ;-)
People there WILL adjust. I lived in a small NW WA state town that was predominantly older "GET OFF MY LAWN!" types. About 10 years ago, the town put in 2 roundabouts. There was far less bitching and moaning from the residents there about it than there has been here. And they tend to complain about everything.

Roundabouts do work. Once people figure them out, there is a natural flow and using them becomes second nature.

I do not recall seeing any accidents with either of the roundabouts. Or even close calls. There is something about the way that drivers are 'mutually engaged' seems to make them more alert. I sure can not say that of the many intersections that had stop-lights or stop signs.

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