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during our last trip we couldn't help but notice how strange the grass grew it seemed as though it spouted from a root system crawling along the ground. It all seemed thick enough but was very different to walk on almost like woven hemp. could someone please descibe the grass and how it is planted and maintained. We never saw lawn mowers but yet I know there must be some used. We want some areas of lawn but not ballfields of the stuff like we have now.
Thanks HADave
Aloha HADave & Mz P
Hawaiian Acres
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We have grass on almost the entire acre where we are living, and it seems to be the same or similar to mainland grass. I know of the type of grass that you are talking about, very strange feel to it, but this grass seems to grow right over the solid rock spots fairly well. I'll try and find out what type it is and let you know.
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I thought this topic was going to be about something else.
Anyway, the closest I've come to duplicating what's often referred to as "Hilo grass", is a seed product from the Garden Exchange called Carpet Grass. The last bag I bought was grown in Australia. The blades are wide and course so the plant is not drought resistant, nor does it need to be, as you'd expect. The natural stuff does sometimes grow a vine, but it edges well with chemicals that don't seem to kill it back all the way to the original root. It grows quite quickly, and in the very thinest of soils. It doesn't do well in full shade. Locals often fill in thin or damaged spots by allowing healthy areas to go well into seed, collecting the cuttings, and dumping them on the desired spot. I've seen lawns planted by using plugs as well as seed. It responds well to fertilizer. Most folks with large ares to cut use lawn mowers, but weed wackers are very popular (it's just hard to find a weed wacker with a cup holder).
All that being said, there are many varieties of lawn grass that would do well here.
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I believe what you're descibing is centipede grass, from SE Asia. It's called lazyman's grass because it only needs mowing about once a month, lays flat on the ground, spreads by stolons and seed, can be invasive.
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We have a grass on our the lawn of the the house we bought in Oct. It has not grown taller than 3", but it expands into squishy bubble like forms in the yard, and grows over everything in a mat form (like throwing a 3" high green shag carpet over the landscape). It is filling in bare spots quite quickly...and has grown over rose stumps, rocks, anything in its' way. The Philipino owner had called this sea grass....but I cannot find a reference to a sea grass that has this form....does this sound familiar to anyone?
Aloha, Carey
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The grass could be Zoysia. It is usually planted/installed using plugs. The grass doesn't grow tall and tends to spread. It needs minimal mowing & is actually tough on mower blades. If I remember right, it is a strain of grass originally from Korea.
David D
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The grass I plan to plant is the following - you are talking about is called Seashore Paspallum-it is soft like velvet and virtually indestructible! You can even water it with salt water which is why you will often find it oceanside. Have you ever been to the Eva Parker Woods house at the Mauna Lani? It's all over there. It is drought and wind and heat and salt tolerant and so beautiful.
Aloha, Mella L
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yes sir, there is lots of grass being grown in puna
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Seashore Paspallum, is grown along the walk bordering Waikiki beach. It is very very low growing, with very very fine blades. It feels like velvet on your feet and grows in sand or over lava and doesn't need soil. It is the most beautiful grass I have ever seen and low maintenance. Some one told me seems years ago, but most likely only 9 months or so that upon occasion this grass can be purchased at the Farmers Market on HWY 130 close to the Animal Shelter. Not sure of the name of this Farmers Market sorry.
mella l
mella l
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Thanks for all your thoughts I am hoping that some of what you all describe will just come in as we clear and later start to mow. Here in Maine I just just spread dirt and mow weekly the wind and rain does the rest. I wonder if it will be as simple there as well.
Aloha HADave
Aloha HADave & Mz P
Hawaiian Acres
The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.