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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality

thanks for the longest sustained expression of sincerity I've seen from you on this forum. You're welcome to correct me if I'm wrong. I appreciate your bonafides.

I also get your grievances, I don't agree that they should lead to unbridled cynicism. Whichever nerve i tingled led to a, for me, welcome loosening of your reserve. Retighten your chitin if you must...

Mahalo , HP

Uhh, btw, I arrived here with less than $2 in my pocket. Survived the first 2 years on Unemployment from my home state and Food Stamps. My days at Kaimu are now faint and can't be relived, but formative nonetheless. I got on with the ILWU for 3 years while starting my own business, and have been self employed for 37 years....

I can appreciate a range of stories, I just choose not to accept the worst case scenarios so prevalent on this forum regarding our elected officials. I know to many of them to accept pervasive corruption or institutional incompetence. But hey, I've gone from being a cynical optimist to a optimistic empiricist !
Mahalo Nui HiloPuna, my hand extend to yours.

Want to write long post, but have to keep working.

IMO, people who have time to complain if others are not 100% on time are ....

Bitching about dotting i / crossing t ....

Ewe go ahead and pay they interest and penalties then

Somebody mentioned salary.. this is the first link I found..from two years ago... I hope you are sitting down...

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
The whole p-card thing stinks like bad fish.
If our Mayor is or was exempt because of his rank then why did he have to be previously warned multiple times about his p-card spending habits?

Confused to Who was actually in the positions that oversaw our mayor's p-card transaction during the time he spent $892 at the Evergreen nightclub(dec 2013)? Did Nancy Crawford resign before the Evergreen bar tab or after(dec 2013)?

Past articles like this one below, praise the good work of some who may have been in the positions to make a difference or prevent the p-card embarrassments from happening in the first place. jmo

Could Nancy Crawford or Kay Oshiro be asked to testify or be brought in as a witness in our Mayor's upcoming p-card court case?
Who would have needed to see and keep the many p-card receipts in order to help protect the public from possible fraud?

Spending County money on prostitution Is serious enough to put a close to all the diatribe and laborious " fact " discussion here; let alone his extravagant purchases which he did not pay off until found out.

Yearly audits should be conducted regardless; the County is not a monarchy...even although it has being that perception here, since time in memoriam

He may want to get off in a techicality, because this mafia backed bully still has the eyes on the Governship.... and who knows maybe he will, given the company he keeps.
this mafia backed bully still has the eyes on the Governship

Can't be worse than Ige...
Who would have needed to see and keep the many p-card receipts in order to help protect the public from possible fraud?

gupsy - this is another part of the problem. There aren't any reciepts either.

from my post on page 4...

Part-way down the article, is this comment on documentation and receipts:

snipped from the article...

"We’ve seen the credit card statements that landed Big Island Mayor Billy Kenoi in hot water, but what about the receipts from those charges?

Turns out, there aren’t any.

KHON2 and our Always Investigating unit have been digging into the mayor’s expenses ever since he admitted to misusing his pCard, or purchasing card.

It all started with questions about a nearly $900 tab at a Honolulu hostess bar, questions that have now led to an investigation by the state attorney general.

The mayor’s spokesman told Always Investigating Wednesday that besides e-mailed itineraries for flights, hotels or rental cars, there are no receipts for any of Kenoi’s pCard spending as mayor.

The county pCard policy requires cardholders to document all purchases."

There aren't any reciepts either.

Confused, as usual: my credit card statement has dates, places, and dollar amounts. Does the pCard system not generate any such reporting? Isn't the government required to keep records? They certainly require such record-keeping from us citizens...
my credit card statement has dates, places, and dollar amounts.

Yes, but what did you buy on that date, at that location? I can't just go into Home Depot and buy $1000 worth of stuff, then expect to write off $1000 for "Repairs" on my taxes. The IRS wants to know what I bought, and that it had a legitimate purpose. For instance, did I buy a washing machine (Equipment) but categorize it under Repairs on my 1040 Schedule C, which is a more nebulous hole in which to throw money, then sell that washing machine to my neighbor for a few bucks under cost because I can also apply the charge as a 30% tax deduction in my business?


Money laundering, local style.

Edited to add: Given Billy's questionable track record of his known spending (which has been argued were all legitimate due to his personal exception to the pCard rules) I still believe it would be important to know which specific items he purchased during his tenure as mayor.

Of course, as we've been repeatedly told, he was granted an exception to the rules which absolves him from any pCard scrutiny, and thus any discussion of his pCard spending will soon qualify in the parlance of past Punaweb issues, as beating a dead horse.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Confused to Who was actually in the positions that oversaw our mayor's p-card transaction during the time he spent $892 at the Evergreen nightclub(dec 2013)? Did Nancy Crawford resign before the Evergreen bar tab or after(dec 2013)?

gypsy69, very interesting question. Here is the might surprise you. Ready for the big bomb....The managing director and pCard administrator for the Mayor in December of 2013 was Wally Lau who resigned in 2016 to run for Mayor . Hum.

Managing Director and pCard administrator for Mayor Billy goes like this...Bill Takaba (2009-2012) to Wally Lau (2012-2016) to the current pCard administer Randy Kurohara (2016-to present). Takaba and Lau were the ones who should have kept the Mayor in line during the time in question. Will they be called into court to testify?

(I am leaving Randy Kurohara out of it because he was not involved at the time. I hope.)

btw, Nancy Crawford retired in 2014.[url]

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