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OLCA Installs president, officers
worse mess is Illagan, pinto, Siracusa commandor failing law and compliance to community input . Lawsuit over her mapping -6 maps out if district is felonious . data forgery is illegal by other districts 16 years later .
16 maps of HA . ? In other districts not allowed.
Waaaa ilagan lost over this needs to be remobex now . There is no such data.

Of course commercial zoned new subdividsions have to open their own roads as voted and surveyed and petitoned .
Notice Illagan new fake report ?

16000 votes is all Ainaloa through Ola'a
All HPP commercials new subdivsions like FA and HPp closed their roads must open their own roads .
Pohaku never voted . Voted is
Makuu to Ilima to Ola'a
Hpp all roads and railroad
Guess politicians got what they wanted .out of office and violating all Criteria done 2008.

Ashto roads are all off Ainaloa and HPp FA and Orchidland
Nobody can map wrong district roads said state and federal attorneys
Guess highway 130 has to pay back all that 200
Million for Hpp

No mapping was legal . What pandering fools thought they could get away with 16 maps of another district . The lawsuits from 1998 proved no Bairey can sign over privare roads by another district .

Something really wrong with a guy who just got caught forging data with no statistics . No tmks no signatures made up by bath hedric and pinto being next lawsuit .illgan report is a forgery he made up in desperation . He has no data . Freedom of information and sunshine law violations found out he made up new report .
HA won't be paying new commercial zoned traffic. cause waaaaaa the teeniest new lots have to pay their own roads . Simple

Notice the mappers all banned by their subdivisions ?

Please don't drink and type. Friends don't let friends drink and type.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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