HOPTE, You re-wrote my post, not sure why, but you did. One word DOES make a difference but you did not ever say why you did it ???
The rest is just your opinions.
fingers snapping, I knew I should have added my predictions to my post, you are both predictably right on time tonight.
I knew 'paul' would be here for tom but now seems like a new one.
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"If by ephemeral you mean "short lived" I would say that term more accurately describes the satellite itself, and not the long term effects of the launch glitch."
It wasn't even being launched, it was being fuelled.
Sigh, just because
South Sandwich Islands
3300 Posts
Posted - 09/04/2016 : 00:30:31 Show Profile Reply with Quote
JMO... space based sooner or later. They won't be affected by random terrestrial and earthbound effects
As my grandmother used to point out when someone being a fool, " look at that "
All you going to water and into bully mode BC I give my JMO on space based. It's o.k. Pile on.
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"All you going to water and into bully mode BC I give my JMO on space based. It's o.k. Pile on."
I don't know what most of that means, it's indecipherable, but "fact mode" is a better description. I have no idea who your grandmother was, but a fairly intelligent person once said something like:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt."
It's something you should consider.
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spamtroll wants interaction so they can push their dodgy wares, just by virtue of their screen name.
This explains the constant pointless posts. I just try to ignore.
LOL and I rest my case again dear readers.
To quote myself "JMO, I think its good to look towards space based sooner than later. They won't be restricted by random terrestrial and earthbound effects."
How is that "dodgy" or self promoting PaulK ? Please explain within fact mode so TomW will understand.
In the meantime:
"Idecipherable" = Don't you ask any questions about meaning to you before you comment TomK ? We are not talking code or even phom slang. What part don't you get ?
It seems to me that if something here you determine or label on your own as "nonsense" etc., disagree with or just don't understand, grants you a pass to belittle or insult as you see fit to stroke your ego.
What an embarrassment your words and actions are to you and your peers.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt."
Oh heck yeah >>> + 1
Here is another, " If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. "
Apologies to folks coming here to see a if there were any new "discovery's"
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"We are not talking code or even phom slang. What part don't you get ? "
The bit where you say "we". I wasn't aware you are a collective noun.
4539 Posts
Posted - 09/04/2016 : 05:17:26 Show Profile Email Poster Visit TomK's Homepage Reply with Quote
"We are not talking code or even phom slang. What part don't you get ? "
The bit where you say "we". I wasn't aware you are a collective noun.
oh my gulay,
Is that it TomK ???
Your esteemed astronomer, amalgamated reply to my opinion about space based viewing comes down to your shocking admission that your lack of understanding of basic American English stifles you ? Are you trolling me ? Do I really have to hold your hand on THAT level ?
How petty and insufferable you must be.
Expecting Paul to tap in next ....
As Rob has said, a warning to one is a warning to all.
Apologies again to those come here for a new Observatory discovery, instead we learn TomK never got past "WE"
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"Apologies again to those come here for a new Observatory discovery,"
So why don't you back off and stick to promoting your illegal parking business.
On your own post !