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Here is a post from 2007 :
Posted - 11/12/2007 : 13:05:54
simple fly over the ocean to the volcano and stop flying over our houses
We have talked about that, more than once. It is actually a safety concern for us. The water conditions on the windward side of the Island are most often not conducive to uneventful water landings. The weight of the helicopters transmission and rotor system are above the aircrafts center of gravity, thus making it prone to rollover in even light sea conditions. Trying to evacuate several people from an aircraft inverted and underwater presents some significant issues. We do fly off shore, but the statistics turn against you when you begin to do this as a matter of routine..Then of course ther are the SHARKS!!!
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So, Obie,
perhaps you could suggest some solutions.
Flying over houses when you know you're disturbing the residents is antisocial behavior.
You talk about legality; but helicopters don't even follow the current law of 1500 feet over inhabited areas; I'm within that zone, and I see copters only a few hundred feet off the ground.
So, instead of shooting down every suggested solution, why don't you offer up some ideas to make both homeowners and pilots happy? Or at least more equally unhappy. (they say the sign of a good compromise is that nobody is entirely happy)
><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
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Start a radio control flight club and take turns filing flight plans crisscrossing residential areas
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Hi Obie,
Thank you for the link to the 9-year-old thread; it shows us all that this is a long-standing problem that needs to be resolved instead of ignored.
Have you watched the news story on KGMB listed on our website
Do you think people can live under these conditions? This situation is unsustainable for the people who live here.
HICOP has a very talented group already and we’re here to make it happen. In the 2 months since our founding, we have met with the FAA, local representatives, and with the tour company owners.
We have presented the tour companies with a proposal similar to the FAA solution in NYC, where the helicopter commuter traffic is routed offshore--not voluntarily, but required. I haven’t heard of any safety issues.
This is our golden chance to make a change in what is a very long standing problem. Please, they have to listen to us if there are enough of us. Mahalo
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It would be nice if somehow the copter tour companies would donate money(road fees) to the improvement of the roads in our subdivisions. After all for all the noise we have to put up with we should get some compensation for all the constant noise. Otherwise for many of us they are just trespassers.
Slow Walker
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Trouble at Makuu getting a booth. They don't have one for us. They said we had to reserve by calling a number on Sat. They didn't say this last week. Anyway I'm going down there at 10 am and talk to them and see if they can accommodate us.
I do have friends with booths there so maybe we can give out handouts from their booths. We do have voting guides prominently displayed there near where you sign up.
I apologize for the confusion. Ino
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Got it straightened out; we're set up to the right of the bathrooms (your right if you're standing by the eating tables).
Sorry for the confusion! Come by for a brownie or fudge!
--Mrs. Ino [

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FWIW.. they fly across Hilo bay and up Hamakua coast way everyday... on the way to Waipio valley.. or where ever.. is the chance of a waterlanding more dangerous on the east side than it is on the north?..
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Mahalo to all the Punawebbers who came down to Maku’u yesterday!
We are growing by leaps and bounds. We have our first lawyer member who told me that we have a constitutional right to peace and quiet at our homes. He thought a class action lawsuit would prevail with damages awarded.
We have raised over $500 to support our cause. We will use this money for brochures, tracking equipment, radio and newspaper ads. At HICOP we’re all unpaid volunteers. If you can support our efforts- we really appreciate it-Mahalo!
Interestingly, no PRO-helicopter-noise people came by while we were there.
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I can deal with helicopters more than I can deal with dummies on the road on their loud mopeds or in their loud exhaust honda civics and music volumes at a level like no one else lives in Puna. All hours of the nite, mind you. Peace and quiet? lol. Compared to these dumb arses on Kahakai blvd., the helicopters are minimally invasive at best.