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Looking for pig hunters
We had acres of papaya fields on one side of our property, but the owners have since chopped them all down. Now the feral pigs are coming over for nightly visits. We've trapped 3 in a week, but last night we saw at least 10 more. We can't eat all of them. LOL.

Are there folks out there who want to hunt pigs? We live halfway between Pahoa and Kapoho near Hwy 132.
I have to ask, is it legal to hunt in that area with guns?
Originally posted by SoCal_to_Hawaii

I have to ask, is it legal to hunt in that area with guns?

You mean the area zoned AG? Yes, you can hunt there with guns and it happens all the time.
A couple of the guys working at Lex Brodie in Pahoa are pig hunters.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I'm always looking for places to hunt close to home! Driving up Mauna Kea to hunt pigs is putting too much wear on my truck. Shoot me an email and we can discuss.


Thanks guys!
I am also looking for areas to hunt that are closer to home. I dont have dogs, but I am a licensed hunter.
If you keep trapping them, give me a call and I will drive out, dispatch it, and take it with me. Share the meat with you too.

Email me at, and once we establish contact, I can forward you my phone number.
Originally posted by Kapoho Joe

Originally posted by SoCal_to_Hawaii

I have to ask, is it legal to hunt in that area with guns?

You mean the area zoned AG? Yes, you can hunt there with guns and it happens all the time.

Thank you, I should have been a little more specific in my question. I know it is generally allowed, but I think there are still some additional rules; i.e. X feet from a road, X feet from a residence, both hunter and huntee need to be on the property where permission has been given to hunt.

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