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HPP road maintainence
I agree with everything you folks are saying and yes i will be at the next mtg if someone could tell me when? definately will have a lot to say on the other hand will they listen...with enough ammunition they will have to and if it means ruffling feathers with county yes i will do that too
Yeah. Good luck with that. Let us know how it works out...
"i will be at the next mtg if someone could tell me when?"

Info is posted on the HPPOA website and found in our bylaws. If you do not have a copy of our bylaws, they too are posted on the web site.
Take this for what it is worth, but I was told that a portion of 20th St. off of Makuu was so bad that 1 of the neighbors got the other neighbors (on that section of road) to all agree to stop paying their road maintenance fees and to put the money into an account so that they would be able to maintain their road themselves. This person then went to the HPPOA office and told the GM what they were going to do and the very next day the road maintenance crew came out and actually graded, rolled and laid rock on the entire section (not just spot fill) and rolled it. Those are the facts as I was told and I do know that that road was actually maintained correctly for the 1st time in 2.5 years. Will that work for others? Who knows, but something might get done if a lot more owners did the same thing.
Too bad they didn't cut the grass along the sides of the road. Maybe they should get together again and hold a percentage of the road fees payment to pay for a private contractor to do it and then go to the GM again.
I feel that is a great idea to keep road fees for each road and let each road maintain and pave their own road..yes subdivisions are required to have paved roads but only kaloli.paradise makuu and shower. The other roads do not have to be paved to pass cpass code
Hmmm: "yes subdivisions are required to have paved roads"

There are subdivisions all over Puna that have no paved roads, HPP did not until pretty recently.
Originally posted by Hmmm

I feel that is a great idea to keep road fees for each road and let each road maintain and pave their own road..yes subdivisions are required to have paved roads but only kaloli.paradise makuu and shower. The other roads do not have to be paved to pass cpass code

What code?
This person then went to the HPPOA office and told the GM what they were going to do and the very next day the road maintenance crew came out and actually graded, rolled and laid rock on the entire section (not just spot fill) and rolled it.

I requested road material for my road back in March 2016...still nothing. It's not right that we have to go this route to get any work done on our road nowadays. This is what our road crew is paid to do on a regular schedule.

The road crew gets paid whether the roads and easements are being maintained or not. A lot of $ goes into repairs of broken down equipment. Work isn't getting done if the equipment's broken. If we outsourced the work, we'd only pay out for work that was completed.

The association bought a $47,000 truck recently for the GM and road crew. Seems we could've saved some $ if we had bought a decent "used" truck...and this is when there seems to be little funds for road maintenance...i.e. quality road material, road striping and reflectors. Priorities are screwed up.

Lots of flooding on our roads now. Probably because of the neglected easements. We have flooding in areas we never had before. So dangerous when traveling in the dark. Be careful out there driving on our roads on rainy nights.

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