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Trials and tribulations..
More trials....We were awakened this morning to the sound of our water pump running non stop. After unplugging it and doing some investigation I found that our 10,000 gallon tank, which was full not more than two weeks ago, was completely empty... Houston, we have a problem.... We are waiting to hear back from the manitenance manager for the property, but being that he seldom ever returns our calls, we may have to go hunt him down. Anyone have an idea what it costs to get a 10,000 gal. tank filled?

Wow 10,000 gal gone. Did you use it up or does it have a leak?

More trials....We were awakened this morning to the sound of our water pump running non stop. After unplugging it and doing some investigation I found that our 10,000 gallon tank, which was full not more than two weeks ago, was completely empty... Houston, we have a problem.... We are waiting to hear back from the manitenance manager for the property, but being that he seldom ever returns our calls, we may have to go hunt him down. Anyone have an idea what it costs to get a 10,000 gal. tank filled?


Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Wow, if your pump was running non-stop, it sounds like you have either a very big leak or a faucet left open somewhere. Assuming the tank was only half full when you went to sleep, you were losing about 600 gallons per hour or 10 per minute. (And it was probably MORE than half full given the regular rainfall we have been having in Puna lately.) I hope your maintenance guy calls soon. During the December dry spell one guy I know paid $85 for 4,000 gallons, but that price probably changes with fuel prices and demand. Good luck!



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