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HPP road maintainence
So much has happened these last 2.5 years and yet nothing has changed.

I also welcome our new Mayoral overlord! Praise be to you, Citizen!
Can anyone translate this for me ??

Originally posted by Katarina

So much has happened these last 2.5 years and yet nothing has changed. It is difficult to wrap a sane persons head around what Jo is up to and her desperation to control EVERYTHING! It is also mind boggling that anyone would listen to her let alone follow her, standing with her as she breaks by-laws and state statutes. Who could look at her and believe her. She is greasy looking, with always slimy hair, dirty shirt and torn shorts no matter where she goes. Some blindly believe this chronic liar rather than even try to read the by-laws. So one will say, "lets do something".Problem is some(a very few because others would rather gripe and do nothing) have tried. Right away with a special membership meeting to trying to get a recall going to arbitration. Arbitration is really the only recourse the by-laws allow. The previous board and this board do not acknowledge this and it is factually impossible to ask the board o sit down and have an adult discussion. They would rather hire multiple law firms and spend freely. No one can fight this. It would take hundred of members to contribute funds and that just is not going to happen so though I can understand why people keep saying sue etc. It won't work. Most are apathetic. Most are just to lazy or uninvolved or even afraid of retribution. Remember, there still is a law suit going on with the illegally fired employees. Not once has the board tried to get the matter resolved instead, Jo blames B.J. for it all. Convenient since B.J. has moved. The only one left is Jo.. B.J was not a nice person but we are not so foolish to not be able to see who is the leader and continues to lead the pack. The new president should have moved when he was handed a golden opportunity but he didn't. He does not show any desire to get things right and that is mostly because he does not know the by-laws and appears to want the board to like him more than listening to sensible people. Jo has rebuilt the board with followers. Don't expect any improvements. I hear she has her fingers in every pot. Amazing how much energy she spends keeping all her lies straight and her followers following when it would be so much easier to do things the right way. Instead we now have an inept GM and 2 women in the office who are nasty. My road has gone from bad to worse and I drove down 1 chip seal road and it is really really awful. So somehow they spend money doing a bad job that is already falling apart and spending more funds hiring Grasshopper to do basic road maintenance. We are really getting screwed. I can not imagine everyone going into the office threatening to not pay their road fees but to maintain their own frontage. That would be great but I don't think the GM really cares. He certainly does not have pride in himself or his job. Not the brightest lightbulb. It would take a massive movement to get a professional management company here but I can say, that even though I am not in Jo's district I will help do what ever we can to not let her get reelected and the election committee to have a real election. Would anyone else help with this? If she is not on the board, the followers will fall by the wayside and then maybe we can get back to the way it was before. I think a whole lot of us miss the former GM and staff. It was a pleasant experience going into the office and they knew what they were doing. Not perfect but who is.

[quote]Originally posted by Obie

"Can anyone translate this for me ??"

...rather obvious if you ask me and to the point. Owners need to get together under legal council, explore all the options available under the law, remove Jo from hell, shut down all the association business until an audit is made by an accounting firm, and a referendum is sought to establish a professional outside management company take over the park under a panel of neighbors who will act by general consensus only! Meaning all owners will have to vote on major expenditures.

It is the only way to actual have a say and have our collective home taken care off. Otherwise someone will start a major lawsuit against this association and the odds do not look kindly for this Board of major clowns, and it ain't going to be pretty. But since some of us already have taken over cleaning our roads it won't matter anyway.

In short, the time has come we personally take care of our home and stop scratching our okoles. We need a group of dedicated owners to create a shadow Board, share the small cost to consult with an attorney specialized in these matters, preferably from Honolulu. And get on with it. This issue cannot be handled by just complaining here or to the present Board.

I personally would like to put my name down to get this accomplished, who wants to commit to get to the bottom of this!? There are over 5800 readers on this thread, but only 132 comments , how many of these readers are actual owners in HPP? And would they actually care to comment. This is after all the most democratic forum we could wish for, not need to even get the okole peeled away from the sofa to be heard, least at a Board meeting that does not care about us anyway. Come on folks, bring in your qualified owner's opinion to this thread. Let's talk concensus here!

Yes John, it was obvious to me as well. Despite the formatting, it was impassioned and clearly written by someone who cares about the situation. But, these kind of responses are normal now.

Moving on to the subject of Katarina’s post, I think the one big problem is because (I’m assuming) that most of the owners live off island and aren’t even aware of what is going on.

As for the off island owners that are aware, participation is very difficult since you have to be at the meetings to have a vote.

I can’t see how anything can happen without a majority of owners involved. And that, I’m afraid, seems impossible.
JohnD: "There are over 5800 readers on this thread, but only 132 comments , how many of these readers are actual owners in HPP?"

Actually that count is not 5800 separate people, but some people looking in multiple times, how many times have you logged into this thread?
Though the evidence is obvious from just driving around, I'd like to suggest that anyone who has the ability, make a video of your street and upload to YouTube under hashtag #HPProads with name of your video location (e.g. "3rd between Paradise and Maku'u). These can be used in a court of law, or obtaining an attorney should it come to that.

In the meantime, I'm not going to hold back our road fees. I'm figuring my $280/lot maintains the 4 major roads and that it's up to us to deal with our own street.

Edit to add: if you upload a video, please make sure you capture sight lines onto major roads from end of streets.
DTisme, your Jan. road maintenance bill will be for $313.50 per lot. Remember, the board raided the fee 10 percent last month. The finance committee only wanted a $5 raise which was sufficient to cover the increase in interest payment for the bond (just under a $20,000 increase). The board ignored the committees advice and increased the fees based on "what if's" and ignorance since not one board director knows what our finances really are and whether we need an increase based on the supposed budget.
Could someone please explain the terms of "the bond" to me? Yes I know it's on the HPPOA site but I'd just like the details without having to wade through the PDF.

Interest rate, payments, term, prepayment penalty etc.

I find it hard to believe anyone would enter a loan agreement with a prepayment penalty but maybe that's how these things work?


I just read the board meeting minutes from Oct and it paints an entirely different picture than the one that has been presented here.

Please read the minutes here :

Especially poignant is the president's letter.One month after being appointed president and he is receiving death threats !
Originally posted by caveat emptor

DTisme, your Jan. road maintenance bill will be for $313.50 per lot.

And we will pay it. No way will we NOT pay the fees that we've agreed to pay. That will open a whole can of worms we're not interested in opening.

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