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HPP road maintainence
Katarina, I may be able to add to your comment about the GM. I have learned at the DEC. board meeting he told the board that the grader is broken and he wants a new, used one. I guess the broken grader was briefly discussed at the last finance committee meeting but only by accident since the GM, who finally showed up for a meeting, left almost immediately in an outrage because the committee was going to elect a replacement committee person for a vacancy created by a member resigning. The committee whose job it is to discuss and advice the board on exactly these types of financial decisions was only able to learn that the grader had a broken hydraulic part that would have to be manufactured and could take possibly 12 weeks. But since the GM stormed out of the meeting and would not carry out his duty (he never has apparently) to discuss the grader options with the committee, the grader issue was tabled until the next meeting when they could get more information.
BTW, some think that the GM's behavior at the finance committee was a prearranged scheme to get the GM out of the meeting and was hatched between the GM and Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall). Why? Because Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall) was the one who mentioned that the committee couldn't elect a replacement for a vacancy. And apparently right after the GM stomped out of the room, she then remembered that the committee could do just that according to the bylaws. Coincidence? Probably not.

So, back to the grader discussion at the board meeting. The GM told the directors, that he found only one for sale and that it was in CA.for $126K. The short fused GM also said that he and Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall) have skimmed (I'm reading between the lines) $650K from our road maintenance funds for their chip seal project. That is why folks, our roads have not been maintained properly for the last 2 years or so. And now we do not have a grader to scrape the dust into giant potholes. I recently heard that a car fell into a pothole and a rescue team had to be called in to extract the driver and car. The team thought it was a lava tube but it turned out to be only one of our potholes.

Keep in mind those 2 have purposely kept the Membership's finance committee in the dark and have completely fooled half of the brand new, completely inexperienced and bylaw ignorant directors in believing every word and motivation out of their mouths. The other half are just sock puppets for Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall).

The scheme to keep the members in the dark about our finances has worked perfectly. Congratulations to Don Morris, GM; Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall); Randi Lazalere, District 6; Ruth Mazuba, District 2 and to the other directors for being so helpful.
a car fell into a pothole and a rescue team had to be called in to extract the driver and car

I hope they sue.
Somebody inform them to contact Associated Tractor in Stockton, Ca. About the broken part on the grader. They are a tractor salvage yard, and have, or can locate just about any part you would need. It would be a lot cheaper than buying the whole grader in Ca. And shipping it over.

Community begins with Aloha
[quote]Originally posted by Tink

Somebody inform them to contact Associated Tractor in Stockton, Ca. About the broken part on the grader. They are a tractor salvage yard, and have, or can locate just about any part you would need. It would be a lot cheaper than buying the whole grader in Ca. And shipping it over."

It may be too late, but a very good idea Tink. I think the board unanimously approved the motion to buy the grader so the renegade GM may have already purchased it.

Let's hope some one on the board reads your comment and checks w/ the GM.
Caveat emptor wrote:
The short fused GM also said that he and Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall) have skimmed (I'm reading between the lines) $650K from our road maintenance funds for their chip seal project. That is why folks, our roads have not been maintained properly for the last 2 years or so. And now we do not have a grader to scrape the dust into giant potholes. I recently heard that a car fell into a pothole and a rescue team had to be called in to extract the driver and car. The team thought it was a lava tube but it turned out to be only one of our potholes.

Keep in mind those 2 have purposely kept the Membership's finance committee in the dark and have completely fooled half of the brand new, completely inexperienced and bylaw ignorant directors in believing every word and motivation out of their mouths. The other half are just sock puppets for Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall).

The scheme to keep the members in the dark about our finances has worked perfectly. Congratulations to Don Morris, GM; Jo Maynard, District 5 (subject of a recall); Randi Lazalere, District 6; Ruth Mazuba, District 2 and to the other directors for being so helpful.
These are the very same people, Chip Seal Group of 4, who have been driving the chip seal project since last year ensuring NO ONE (board peers and members) gets in their way or they will be mowed down. Where on earth did these people get the idea that they can control all of our $$$ w/out any input from members???? This is beyond arrogance.

Before July 2014, boards would include members by sending out ballots for projects that consumed this amount of OUR $$$=Capitol Expenditure projects. They understood it was the membership's money, not theirs!

The previous board and FC were non transparent with OUR $$$$$ since Dec 2015. There were no FC minutes posted on the website during those several months (check the website), and closed door mtgs to member attendance (against the bylaws). They consisted of the previous Treasurer (who's now moved off island), the GM, Dist 5 (who was never board appt'd to the FC), an ofc employee and a Dist 5 lot owner. The lot owner has been on a campaign since the new FC was formed at the membership mtg in June 2016 (by members) to convince the membership and the board to remove 3 experienced and knowledgeable finance people off the current FC. She forgot that members at the June membership mtg clapped in support and voted for these people to be put on the FC. (After it was discovered the GM crossed their names off the signup sheet.)

The members knew OUR $$ would be in good hands if they were the ones overseeing OUR $$$. If there's anything amiss, these people would find it=accountability of membership monies. It's plain as day that the majority board and GM don't want the FC finding whatever it is they're hiding. Why all these board and GM maneuvers otherwise? And Dist 5 rep AGAIN is attending and voting like an FC member, and looks like a repeat maneuver of last year of coming in the back door. No one has seen her appt'd at a board mtg. (Check the minutes)

The GM reported over $650,000 of our road maint fees are already earmarked for chip seal! Hence the raised 10% raised road maint fees for all of us to continue feeding the chip seal monster. How did this happen? At what mtg did this get approved? And the FC has no knowledge of this??? The majority board and GM have cut out the membership's checks and balances (FC) by this maneuver. Why? Bylaws, what bylaws? Something's amiss.

What this also means is we're all going to see the same o same o for the upcoming year. Mass production chip sealing which is already failing in less than a yr (go look for yourselves) using our road crew and our road maint $$$$ Prediction: More and deeper potholes, more easement overgrowth, no road striping or reflectors on our main drags=safety and liability issues...AND these maneuvers make evident that catching up, doing their main jobs of MAINTAINING our dirt roads and easements isn't priority despite all the complaints that are now just background noise to them.

This is OUR $$$$ people. This isn't the time to stick your heads in the sand, ostrich style.

Dist 5 writing a recall policy while she's the subject of the recall petition process is like the U.S. President up for impeachment changing the constitution to "save his/her's arse". I was told when conflict of interest was raised while this policy was under board discussion, she said she had nothing to do with it. That this rep and that rep wrote it back in August. Coincidentally, all those she claims "wrote the recall policy" is no longer on the board. How convenient and typical when asked legit questions. Blame it on reps who are no longer around.

She and the rest of the majority board have crossed the line and broken not only our bylaws but STATE LAW. It's a conflict of interest for the board to "approve" whether a membership's recall petition process is legit. Shame on them for breaking our bylaws and State Law 414D.

Dist 6 makes evident her lack of state law and bylaw knowledge in her support to approve Dist 5's recall policy. These board members are the liability to the association, not members doing a district recall petition. Look at the lawsuit. That wasn't caused by members, it was caused by the board making reckless decisions and breaking bylaws and state law.
She and the rest of the majority board have crossed the line and broken not only our bylaws but STATE LAW.

Too bad the AG doesn't read PunaWeb.
Originally posted by kalakoa

She and the rest of the majority board have crossed the line and broken not only our bylaws but STATE LAW.

Too bad the AG doesn't read PunaWeb.

During my residency in the Aloha State several decades ago, I soon learned that incompetency and corruption are written into the bylaws of every level of government or the like.
Originally posted by Lopaka

Originally posted by kalakoa

She and the rest of the majority board have crossed the line and broken not only our bylaws but STATE LAW.

Too bad the AG doesn't read PunaWeb.

During my residency in the Aloha State several decades ago, I soon learned that incompetency and corruption or written into the bylaws of every level of government or the like.

This is why the HPP Bylaw Committee, a membership committee, is working on proposals to amend HPP's current bylaws. It's been over 6 yrs since it was done last. There definitely is room for improvement. They are currently working on the Board of Directors Powers and Authority section of the bylaws. The Bylaw Committee has openings and are looking for committed members to join them on the 2nd and 4th Thur from 5-7 PM in the activity ctr library. Requirements: lot owner current w/your road fees, a commitment to attend meetings and a desire to serve the membership. No other agendas, no politics. Light computer work, some business background and/or experience on boards is helpful.

Again Rob, thank you for providing a forum for HPP residents to communicate w/each other. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!
I've stayed away from the endless churning on this thread for a while, but I have to ask Mermaid: What makes you think revising the bylaws is going to change anything when every election produces new board members whose first order of business is to ignore the bylaws?

As for the Attorney General's office, they don't answer email or snail mail pertaining to this mess. I've sent both to them with no response. I guess they were too busy unsuccessfully prosecuting Kenoi.

At this point the best solution would be to abolish the hui, let the bondholders put liens on all the lots, and have each little section of owners hire someone competent to maintain the roads. I would gladly pay off my portion of the debt to lift the lien and be free of this eternal bickering money pit.

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