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HPP road maintainence
Ok, so if I understand Mermaid correctly and expanding somewhat on what she said, the board is using up our road maintenance revenue and increasing our maintenance fees to “chip seal” under the fallacious argument that chip seal is covered under a bylaw definition for “Road Maintenance” that includes the word “improvement”. After a quick search for the terms “define road maintenance” and “define road improvement” on the internet, I easily deduced that the board or someone on it (hint: Jo Maynard, District 5 subject of a recall) has misappropriated for disinformational purposes, the word “improvement” for her and Don Morris’ (the GM) nefarious scheme.

A reasonable person after only a small amount of effort might consider the possibility that the board that worked on the bylaws in 2009, may have made some unintentional errors in the wording of those bylaws. Errors that included “holes”, typos, gray areas, poor grammar and grammar that lead to more than one interpretation, poorly conceived words/wording, etc. I would also expect that this or any board would seek out those previous board members to help clarify any questions about their original intent.

Every governmental body faces the task, periodically, of revising their regulations and in our case, the bylaws. It is expected to find things that need revision. And I believe that is Mermaid’s point on the mistaken inclusion in the bylaws of the word “improvement” under the definition of “Road Maintenance”.
Below is from the US Forest Service and may help form a proper understanding of what is meant by maintenance and improving of roads.

From the US Forest Service;
7.1. Introduction
Road maintenance is essential in order to (1) preserve the road in its originally constructed condition, (2) protect adjacent resources and user safety, and (3) provide efficient, convenient travel along the route. Unfortunately, maintenance is often neglected or improperly performed resulting in rapid deterioration of the road and eventual failure from both climatic and vehicle use impacts. It follows that it is impossible to build and use a road that requires no maintenance.
Probably the most valuable tool for any maintenance program is the knowledge and experience gained by individuals performing the maintenance. Every effort should be made to retain competent, knowledgeable, and experienced individuals in these positions not only from the standpoint of instituting and executing a good maintenance program, but for future road planning needs as well.


Road Maintenance – The ongoing upkeep of a road necessary to regain or restore the road to the approved road management objective (FSM 7712.3).

Road Reconstruction – Activity that results in the improvement or realignment of an existing classified road as defined:
Road Improvement – Activity that results in an increase
of an existing road’s traffic service level, expansion
of its capacity, or change in its original design

Road Realignment – Activity that results in a new
location of an existing road or portions of an existing
road and treatment of the old roadway (36 CFR 212.1).
misappropriated for disinformational purposes, the word "improvement"

Is that anything like County's misappropriation of "Fuel Tax Revenue"?

Maybe more like the misappropriation of "Geothermal Royalty Funds"?

Thanks to Mermaid and C.E. They give valuable informative information.Me thinks Obie is a board supporter or member by comments made.They are never helpful, just pro this destructive board. I appreciate this forum as a way to keep in touch and current since I can not be an active participant at this time. Those who want to slam it and demand (aren't they special) it be shut down need to shut up or go whine somewhere else. C.E. gives valuable input about real... hard definitions of road maintenance, not the skewed interpretation Obie tries to offer. C.E's definition is what us normal minded folk expect form our manager and employees. We are watching this board create a money pit with this chip seal project. It is not being done correctly and is that intentional(?) so they always have the need for more money? Once the inferior product is down we will be obligated to keep it up or redo it. It is very sad the new board members do not want to learn. they just go with the flow of Jo. Seems she has established herself as the emperor and they follow. It amazes me how most people just follow and can not think for themselves.As I said before, nothing will change til the dictator is ousted.
It amazes me how most people just follow and can not think for themselves.

Harry Kim for mayor!
My chuckle for the day.

"C.E. gives valuable input about real... hard definitions of road maintenance, not the skewed interpretation Obie tries to offer"

C.E. posted something about maintaining forest service roads.I posted actual information from the HPP bylaws.
You should read them sometime.I would explain them to you but I am all out of crayons and puppets.
C.E. posted something about maintaining forest service roads.I posted actual information from the HPP bylaws.

...and guess what? Both are equally irrelevant!
Thanks for your post Obie... so which board member are you? Randi? The emperor Jo herself?... possibly Ruth? I can openly say this because this board feels privileged to out members to the entire membership for being late on the soaring road fees and posting here. Another privilege that they feel only they can do and so against the code of conduct etc. etc. etc... but then when exactly have you followed any of it? Me read the bilaws? If you would instead of posting garbage here you might learn something. Big difference in Websters dictionary on the meaning of "maintenance" and "improvement". Just for your FYI. As I said, a normal logical rational person can see through the weeds.Might want to invest in a weed eater.Then you can join the nonwicked.
Originally posted by shockwave rider

If everyone would quit responding to and engaging with the two posters who neither own or live in HPP and just like to stir the pot this would be a far more productive discussion.

Just don't feed the trolls and they will go back under their bridges.

Katarina, these may be the two posters who swr is referring to here on page 17. swr gave sound advice.

There are many people who own property in HPP who entrusted that their road maint fees would be used for road and easement maintenance. When we bought or built our homes in HPP, this is how it used to work. We all felt pride in how HPP used to look. Wouldn't most of us expect contracts to be carried out? Just because the reps are volunteers doesn't make it any different. The reps signed a contract when they signed their oath of office. The majority have broken their contract.

It's not an option for some to pick up and move away. There are many of us who live on fixed incomes, or are struggling to get food on the table and pay our mortgages. Many are clueless to WHY the park has fallen into decay when things generally were being taken care of pre Jul 2014. No board is perfect, we all know that. The fact that our roads and easements are in the worst condition they've ever been in is physical evidence of what some have defined as corruption and mismgmt of OUR $$$. Looking the other way is incomprehensible to me.

We all deserve better than this for our hard earned $$$, and a handful of reps should feel ashamed of themselves for breaking their contract to follow our bylaws, which states they are to maintain the park's roads and easements. They have failed miserably. Take a look at the names of the reps who were on the board in 2014, 2015, 2016 and now. It's in the board minutes...who are the repeat names you see that are carrying on that legacy w/a new cycle of reps? Remember them. This will be their legacy... bullies, money pit chip seal, giant potholes, overgrown trees, bushes and weeds, and they better pray no one is injured or dies bc of their neglect. Unfortunately, it most likely will be on the associations' heads, not theirs individually like the current lawsuit. We are all paying into that lawsuit.

People post here bc they're frustrated and angry w/this arrogant bylaw and state law breaking majority board and GM. It's our only form of communication w/each other. Thanks Rob for providing a forum for HPP lot owners. Not pretty but it is providing a service. Those who are done with it can choose to read all the other threads Rob provides.
People post here bc they're frustrated and angry w/this arrogant bylaw and state law breaking majority board and GM

They may have broken your interpretation of the HPP bylaws but the legal interpretation wins !

the HPP bylaws

If nobody obeys the bylaws, what difference does it make?


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