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HPP mailbox vote
So the insert that came with everyone's new HPP road fee bill included a little spiel about the mailboxes that included an outright lie.

The claim was made that the Postal Service was going to remove our mailboxes, you know, the ones some of us languished on waiting lists for years to get. I checked with the actual postmaster for this area, and it turns out this is an absolute falsehood, and the postmaster spent all day on the phone reassuring people they were NOT going to lose their current mail boxes.

When I went into the office to pay my fees and asked about the mailbox removal, the office staff first claimed it was true, then claimed the Keaau postmaster was wrong "Because someone in Hilo told them the boxes were going to be removed" and then admitted it was a "mistake" and that they have no idea how it got included in the mailing. Some guy who is on the board came out from the back and claimed the whole mailbox thing was his baby and went through the exact same song and dance about the mailbox removal until confronted with the truth, then he also said it was just a "mistake" that that claim was in the mailing.

How can anyone trust an organization that will blatantly lie like that when communicating with the members they are sworn to serve?
It's bad enough when you get lies for free, but when they cost over $300 (road fee) it's borderline insanity. Especially such a poor, easily verified with one phone call, lie.

"Only fear real things, such as minds full of delusions." -Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Mahalo SWR! I thought about calling the Postmaster about this issue today but didn't.
If I'm going to give anyone $ for my mailbox (of 35 years) it isn't going to be HPPOA. They already have their hands deep enough in our pockets. Too bad they don't realize that their kuliana is roads, not mailboxes. Typical HPPOA bs.
The other side of the coin is that there are not currently enough mail boxes for everyone living in HPP. A large portion of residents have to pay for a PO Box or private service that cost up to $100 a year. This would allow those people to get a mailbox in the subdivision for a one time fee of $150.00 saving them alot of money in the long term. I think they will have no problem getting the 600 signatures. What I don't like is that the people who "do" currently have boxes in the subdivision will also have to pay the $150.00 one time fee. That's wrong!Why can't they keep the boxes along the road and build enough boxes in a central location for just those residents that currently don't have one.
How much do pay yearly for your existing mailbox and how much did you pay to get it ?
How much do pay yearly for your existing mailbox and how much did you pay to get it ?

$0 & $0

"Only fear real things, such as minds full of delusions." -Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Back in the 80's, you got a mailbox when you bought your land. There were very few people here.
On the flip side, the roads were awful so we have paid every year, for decades to fix them, til now. (check's in the mail)
There was no electricity here either (for 11 years ) until my family and many others paid SSPP thousands of $ to bring in the poles and connect the roads for the benefit of all.
Now mailboxes?
Common. Give us a break.
To back up what Seeb had pointed out on the mailbox topic from the HPP Road Maint thread:

Article XI - Assessments Sec 3 "Compensation for use of Non-Road Maintenance Assets. The road maintenance funds are restricted funds and shall be used exclusively for road maintenance activities. A portion of road maintenance funds shall be exclusively used to compensate the Association General Fund for the use of the Association's non-road maintenance assets for road maintenance purposes. The amount of compensation shall be determined annually by the board and shall not exceed 5% of road maintenance funds collected in any given year."

Here's what the board is quoting in the bylaws w/in their Mail Box Special Assessment so called ballot:

Sec 8 Special Assessments. In addition to the annual mandatory road maintenance assessment, per Sec 2, above, the Association may make special assessments for any road maintenance costs only upon the affirmative majority of mail-in vote of not less than 600 members in good standing. Any ballot for special assessments shall include the terms of payment and specify an effective date."

How can anyone trust an organization that will blatantly lie like that when communicating with the members they are sworn to serve?

It's bad enough when you get lies for free, but when they cost over $300 (road fee) it's borderline insanity. Especially such a poor, easily verified with one phone call, lie.

Let's first point out the Advertisement of the printing company on this "ballot???". Never ever seen anything like that done before. Is it even allowed?

Should we have expected any different from this board???...this is whacko business as usual for these people. Not just about the mailboxes but this is how they do most of their business. There was blatant proof of the election fraud as well. No accountability...they may get away w/this mailbox issue as well.

They don't study the bylaws, no shame for not knowing the bylaws or for disregarding them, no ethics, hoping for ignorance from members (or from newby board peers) and squash those that know the difference. They've been doing it so long they don't even notice how blatant it is to those outside of their bubble.

It doesn't make sense to kick everyone out of the boxes they've had for years. It's the people who are on 2-3 yr waiting lists that need assistance so they can get their mail here in the park. But how can you charge those members and not charge those that have boxes already? How does one make this fair to begin with? As I questioned earlier on the other thread, what happened to the few thousand FREE mailboxes the post office offered us over a yr ago?

The 20 acre parcels can only be used for parks and schools. If they use it for anything, the whole 20 acres has to be cleared pin to pin. And what about the obvious removal of ohia trees that would be involved when clearing?

On one hand they're asking you to support this action w/an agreement to pay the $150 and on the other hand they're threatening a 25% fee ($37.50) if you oppose it and don't pay by June 30th. Seems like a strong arm tactic to me. So why even waste all our time voting?

Bc they already know what the outcome will be? No checks and balances on the mail box vote count. Bc they are just going through the motions so they can say they asked for our input...and followed bylaw Article IV - Objects and Purposes for the first time? (a) To ascertain the needs and desires of lot owners of the HPP subdivision and represent those needs and desires as appropriate." ??

If they're lying about this mailbox issue, overturned our vote to have a voice on the chip seal project, and committed election fraud in the 2016 district election, how can we trust they won't be lying about the Mail Box Special Assessment ballot count? Same people driving the car as the other major board violations we've had over the past 2 1/2 yrs.

Let's not forget the other whacko action of Extra Burden Road Maintenance Assessment enclosed w/our bill....As Dist 5 rep stated at a board mtg, they will be relying on other members coming forward w/info on businesses in HPP. Nice, let's incite and encourage spying on our neighbors...

Interesting that they've excluded friends who have businesses that rely on frequent UPS and FEDEX deliveries yet charge Contractors who drive under 6000 # vehicles. Already there's an equity and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
"Now mailboxes?
Common. Give us a break."

Price of progress !

The main roads in HPP have so much traffic traveling at a high rate of speed that is now a danger to the Postal Workers !

The mailboxes are in the right of way so it may involve your roads !!!
Road Maintenance = maintaining a roadway.

Mailbox = Nothing to do with roads or roadways, except they are sometimes found near each other.

Judge: "Road Maintenance ONLY". "The HOA was NOT in place at inception". "No ex-post facto laws, NO OTHER FEES". "Read my lips, Road Maintenance ONLY" was the last thing said in the ruling. Not sure which part of that not understood, nor if they know the consequences of violating a court order or realize the attempt to use road maintenance as a guise to move mailboxes will not fly in court.

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