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Ohia Ash shown to Improve Ohia Health
Jimbo, U of H is in a position to influence public policy based on findings as we are seeing via the moving ban. Open fire regulations have changed over the years at the whims of politicians and larger land barrons. When I was a kid, it would have been really confusing to locals even the suggestion of open fire bans. From my prospective it is as much a civil liberties issue as it is one of common sense. Please reread the thread about what kinds of fires are legal in Hawaii county.

The spoils of a successful pilot program will go to those quick enough to catch on. I believe your suggestion to "think like a scientist" and use a control was well intentioned, but instead of telling me what I should do, maybe you could get involved in your own way. This is now a community project. Everything I have done thus far has been time consuming and unpaid. 'Ohiagrrl' is 'Ohiagrumpyaunty' until she gets cortisone shots in her feet.

If it's a synthetic nitrate fertilizer to which you refer, that's a refined petroleum product it maybe good as a 'control' but it lacks the anti parasitic/anti fungal qualities that ash has in within it. To me it just seems like a waste of time to add any "control" when a preexisting, unwavering constant is that the trees are falling ill to AB/CF one by one, but I am no scientist. I believe I wouldn't have noticed the things I did if I were one because I wouldn't have the time to meditate on itSmile

If it is these standards that are needed to promote change then the scientific community needs to come down off their ivory towers and get down and dirty with the community. Right now the outward appearance is that they are unwilling to have more than one sided conversations based on their own current assumptions. And so secretive. How long were they sitting on the Ambrosia Beetle knowledge? I'd hazard a guess it was at least for the life span of the research grant into injectable fungicides. If they want to have our respect they have to show that they are willing to do more than satisfy research grants that don't require positive results. The Ohia that are dying are hundreds of years old, they cannot be replaced. Saving them should be the primary motive of those in charge of public policy. People, you need to demand more. While Caldwell turns Honolulu into a jewel box, the natural splendor of Hawaii Island is disappearing. Thanks Rail. Thanks Aloha Stadium. Thanks $11 million courthouse in Hilo. Only $300k was dedicated to the DLNR last year to combat ROD. It's crazy making.

Rachel Carson episode on PBS last night. Silent Spring. My hero.
Chile calls for greater forestry regulations as wildfires devastate the countryside:

Don't let this happen on the Big Island.
[quote]Originally posted by Jimbo2017

Isn't it illegal to open burn to create ash? I don't think UH people can recommend an illegal practice.

Also, if you want to do scientific investigation, why not try just Phosphorous heavy fertilizer on some trees, and ash on others? Test it like a scientist would (and add a control Wink

Mauka Hilo-side

I just cant help but ask if Jimbo is short for JB Friday?

Not that...that would be wrong. It would be helpful.

Slow Walker
Thanks Slow Walker,
I just hope Dr Friday rereads the entire thread and decides to reverse his earlier publicly stated opinion that an ash purification project wouldn't work to combat parasites and fungal blight. My perceptions are based on exciting anecdotal history and copious supporting data. Promising signs have been seen to stall the trend of ROD, right here in Puna and could inform policy here on the Big Island as well as elsewhere in the world. ROD had been known to be 100% terminal prior to my lucky find. It is an attainable goal. It would be a real win for any scientist to get on board this project at the inception. For all my bluster, I don't hold grudges. Dr Friday, you are welcome to this experiment. I am not interested or qualified to do the sort of testing you do or expand much further on my own findings other than to treat a few trees every week. I have arguably done a lot at my own expense and need support moving forward even if it is through concurrent experiments. My feet are on strike. As a community, we got this.

I was informed by a friend who is following my thread that a more political response to his suggestion and wink Wink would be to say "Thank you I will take it under advisementWink"

FYI, the experiment that my friend/CEO of a local NGO is proposing is not the same type of experiment as proposed by "Jimbo". No conflictWink
Ohiagirl, thank you for the Ohia thread and passion you have for Puna.

I think Our environment in Puna has changed, making it conducive for fungi mutations like the ROD to happen. The Ohia tree is a deep rooted tree that did well in Puna for centuries, well before Man started it's mining of Puna's resources. Maybe The current mining methods and experiments of Helco's and PGV's need to stop or change in order for Puna to regain it's Ohia tree conducive environment again. jmo

environment in Puna has changed

Global climate change has moved the boundaries of many insects, fungi, etc.

Not limited to Puna.

Geothermal reduces the emissions which cause climate change.

Ohia are a monoculture; ROD will wipe them out and/or the ohia will develop resistance.

Blaming HELCO does not save our watershed.
I couldn't agree more Gypsy69. (And thank you so much for the positive support!)There's your platform. Run with it.

The geothermal plant had a power outage during Iselle and was thought by residents to be behind a dozen people passing out in Leilani, one of whom never revived. PGV of course denied any involvement. I am not opposed to these sort of advancements in power generation, but there are still too many unknowns regarding environmental impacts of these processes on carbon life forms. Apparently we are the guinea pigs. Oversight much?
a dozen people passing out in Leilani, one of whom never revived

Are you saying someone died due to a geothermal release during Iselle? Do you have a source for that?

"Only fear real things, such as minds full of delusions." -Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
There are too many unknowns regarding environmental impacts of these processes on carbon life forms.

But fossil fules are totally okay, right? Because they're "organic"?

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