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The Bugs
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Edited by - akoniv on 10/16/2007 19:21:44
Has anybody tried a product with the name "mosquito magnet"? It runs on propane and has a little vacuum that sucks the little vampires into a trap. It is supposed to work really well. Has anybody had any experience with one of these?

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Andrew, we have used both the "Mosquito Magnet" & "Mosquito Deleto" in our last house, on an acre, in one of the countries highest summer count areas (west suburbs of Chicago (counts routinely of over 100 a night in a light trap, and on spike nights 600+).
Both worked well at attracking the buggers, both ran just under a month on a propane tank, but the "Deleto" had sticky pads that would fill up with mosquitos in one or two high count nights, then you had to replace the sticky pads with the buggers buzzing around. The "Magnet" had a trap that you could empty when full, saving usage costs. Both worked best with a repelling device placed near where you spend time outdoors.
Have not needed it here, as there are not too many mosquitos by us (yet??).
Aloha, Carey

For most animals, I take that passive attitude. I will gladly take the geckos and lizards that my cat has tried to kill and torture outside. I've even saved a few coquis. I know they are considered a pest, but they are still cute.

That said, I will without hesitation kill any mosquito, cockroach or centipede that dare come in or near my house.

I have mixed feelings about the furry pests under (and sometimes in) our house.



Thanks for your informative reponse. I have read a number of evaluations for the mosquito magnet on from people in various parts of the country. The one major complaint that many of them had was that after a season or so the machine would not work any more. The better machines are quite pricey. Did the ones that you mentioned in your post last for more than one season? Also were they easy to get started?

Thanks again,

To any other readers who might have experience with one of these machines here in Hawaii I would like to know if they are good at controlling Hawaii mosquitos and what your experiences might be.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
There was a discussion re Mosquito magnet/deleto on the other forum a year or two back. I remember it being said that the mosquitos here on Hawaii are not drawn by the bait scent (Octenol?).
We brought our Deleto from Ga, where we were pleased with the result, but haven't felt compelled to set it up here as we have little problem.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Aloha Buzz,I don't know the actual name of the bug you're talking about, but it sounds like what we call here "beer bugs" or "cocktail bugs". They seem to be more prevailant when the wild guava is overripe, and are attracted to anything fermented or sweet. I too notice that the mosquitoes tend to stay close to the ground. BTW, my neighbors bought one of the propane traps, said it was totally usless.

And what are those "flies?" that are attracted to our floresent light fixtures in the evening and then in the morning we find the wings from these flies shed all over our kitchen area (where are floresent lights are) and hair thin catapiller like creatures crawling in the same area where those wings were?

Sounds like drain flies. They breed and feed in the P traps of sinks. We keep wire mesh strainers in our kitchen sink that prevents most of them.

Skeeters stay close to the ground huh? I'm gonna get me a pair of stilts for walkin in my garden then.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".

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