One of the items, that has been mentioned a few times now, that was found in your road maintenance billing envelope was a 1/3 page announcement that started out by claiming that a board in 2012 approved a Special Extra Burden Road Maintenance Assessment.
The June 15, 2016 BOD meeting is the actual date when the board passed the Extra Burden fee we received in the mail with the road maintenance bill. The board in 2012 never approved such a fee. Importantly, it is completely different from what the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year Finance Committee approved and from what the 2014 board passed (I have a copy) and Jo Maynard knows this because, as we should all remember from previous posts, she was at Finance committee meetings in 2015 that discussed the prior finance committees original work on the extra burden fee schedule. She also has a copy of thatr fee schedule, it is nothing like what we just received in the mail.
What possible purpose could there be in deceiving the members when the truth of the matter is so very easy to discover? Maybe they anticipated a hostile response and possible legal action and thought by blaming another board they could be exonerated. What ever the reason, it is sooo Jo. Please obie, don’t make a nonsense defense of your friend by claiming that “maybe the board made a mistake with the date”. Incompetence with such an important matter is not a defense.
Below is the link for that BOD meeting in June 2016 and take note of the schedule in the minutes with what you have in your hand; I think I spotted 3 differences between the online approved version and the version in the mail. Now, maybe THAT is simply incompetence obie, but with out a doubt it is fodder for attorneys. I would not be surprised if legal action against the association is not far behind.
Here is a list of events for the extra burden fee schedule according to the board meeting minutes on the HPPOA website.
Jan. 19, 2012 board reviewed a potential road fee increase for lots with special permits.
Feb. 15, 2012 board voted to create a Membership Committee at the Feb. Members Meeting.
Feb. 26, 2012 Membership Meeting: “Increase in fees for lots with special permits – June Conant noted that the original bylaws and those of 2001 allow for an increase in fees for those lots whose enterprises cause a steady increase in traffic. She asked Members to sign up to help form a committee to address this issue.”
Mar. 21, 2012 board meeting: a member’s sign up sheet was circulated to members.
Mar. 19, 2014 board presented a fee schedule for road maintenance assessments for business activities that add traffic burden and which passed unanimously.
June 15, 2016 BOD meeting the Treasurer, Janice Ashford commented that the Finance Committee came up with the fee schedule that the board passed at that meeting. Here’s the problem with that claim. That was not the real finance committee (as has been commented on several times before) and to make matters worse, this FC had their so called meetings in secret without any public access or knowledge of the meetings. That not only is a violation of the bylaws, but of state law. Nothing new for that crew though. Do you want to know who made up this illegal committee? Janice Ashford, Jo Maynard, Bridgett Haley (who works in the office now) and one other association member.
Take another look at what the 2012 board thought was prudent and good management, they wanted the association members involved.