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Hawaii bill introduced to legalize prostitution
The speaker of the house introduced a bill to legalize prostitution. If this passes, gambling won't be far behind!
The only thing I miss from my twenty year stint in Alaska is the pull tabs. For some reason my wife has a knack for getting winning cards. And she did pretty good at bingo too ..come to think of it.

Hawaii is stupid for not having gambling.. if people want to throw money away... why not have a net to collect it.

The more people spend gambling, the less they spend on drugs and alcohol.
The more people spend gambling, the less they spend on drugs and alcohol.

I've found that the less money people have doesn't really change their bad habits or additions, it just makes them more desperate to find other means.
I've found that the less money people have doesn't really change their bad habits or additions, it just makes them more desperate to find other means.

..this is true.. but not all the time. Some people drink and drug because of depression/desperation.. a few hundred dollars extra will boost most people up if they get to go out and do something or buy something they normally couldn't do so easily.
While I don't really care much about gambling one way or another, my worry with gambling is it that in general tends to make poor people poorer.
My biggest fear of legalized gambling is just creating more corruption in an already cloudy state/County Government.

I don't know about other kids schools.. but I know my kids school could use some funds for improvements.. if gambling revenue is a way to get it.. let's do it.

The same thing can be said for legalized dope. The tax money can be used for the benefit of the whole community.

If people want to abuse it. That's their problem. They usually don't live long ... and there are always another human to take their place when they die.
Nonsense. Prohibition has always been 100% effective and without unwanted side effects.
Here in PA, former Philadelphia Mayor and corrupt governor Ed Rendell's grand experiment of legalizing gambling went poorly. Lots of imminent domain troubles, "not in my back yard" lawsuits, and the promise of using proceeds to fund schools instead of using property taxes was never realized. Might have had something to do with his sketchy cronies accepting positions on various gambling oversight committees.

Natasha Ufema
Natasha Ufema
We're better off without gambling, the net effect is, as stated, the poor get poorer.
Legalized prostitution sounds like a very good idea though. Tax it!
How a Bill is Made
Hawaii Version
(or how to make delicious lemonade from lemons)

1) Introduce Bill into State House
2) Send Bill to Committee. If it's not feasible to pass bill at this time, appropriate funding for a study, and defer to future session
3) Hire unemployed member of your own party as lead consultant on the issue.

For a bill concerning prostitution, engage the services of a high ranking official, perhaps a former mayor, with previous investigatory experience in hypothetically Hawaii related businesses such as Korean hostess bars. Expand the scope of the study to include jurisdictions with existing legal prostitution, such as Las Vegas. Finance position with a large six figure salary, and perhaps an unrestricted pCard for travel, drinks, hotel, and other expenses, as necessary.

Initial Effect - Two benefits result from this method of government:
1) Members of your own party are always employed
2) Future questions about any unsavory conduct the consultant may have been associated with in the past, can now by deflected and reworded in terms of their most recent government contributions, for example:

When a question from the press about past indiscretions involving hostess bars, alcohol consumption, etc is raised, the answer may now be framed in the following manner:

"If you are referring to his/my extensive study for the bill introduced by the Speaker of House in the last session, yes, I would have to say his/my experience as mayor, and discussions he/I held in that position with city, county, state, and national representative from around the world, made him/me best qualified to advise us on all potential impacts of this bill on the local economy and our citizenry. His/my experience was essential and fundamental in allowing us to take the next step forward on this proposal.

Conclusion: Formerly tainted official is rewarded and thoroughly rehabilitated, ready for his next act on the political stage.

"It doesn’t sound like a benefit when I can’t even understand it." -Brannon Kamahana Kealoha at the TMT Hearing
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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