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HPP road maintainence
kahunascott wrote: You need to read the bylaws. Not paying your Road Fees will get your home liened and they can foreclose as well. That will look good on your credit report

Not paying your road fees will put a lien on your house once you're $500 in arrears. So one yr + so many months won't prompt a lien. I believe 10% per year late fees kicks in starting in April of each yr. Some subdivisions won't even try foreclosures bc it costs too much.

As for bad credit reports... How long would it take before it affects one's credit report? Someone would need to research that one.

If you're in arrears, at membership mtgs you can speak during owner input but you can't vote. Can't be a chair on a committee and can't serve on the FC or the Nominating Committee. If that's not an issue for someone, there you go...

Seems to me what's being conveyed is that it's more about making a statement...and that's everyone's choice. I think the longer it takes before our road and easement issues are resolved, more and more members will be joining them. I think we've all been very patient so far.
Forgot to add you can't be a board member either if you're in arrears w/your road fees.

Originally posted by mermaid53

kahunascott wrote: You need to read the bylaws. Not paying your Road Fees will get your home liened and they can foreclose as well. That will look good on your credit report

Not paying your road fees will put a lien on your house once you're $500 in arrears. So one yr + so many months won't prompt a lien. I believe 10% per year late fees kicks in starting in April of each yr. Some subdivisions won't even try foreclosures bc it costs too much.

As for bad credit reports... How long would it take before it affects one's credit report? Someone would need to research that one.

If you're in arrears, at membership mtgs you can speak during owner input but you can't vote. Can't be a chair on a committee and can't serve on the FC or the Nominating Committee. If that's not an issue for someone, there you go...

Seems to me what's being conveyed is that it's more about making a statement...and that's everyone's choice. I think the longer it takes before our road and easement issues are resolved, more and more members will be joining them. I think we've all been very patient so far.

you are correct, it takes money to put a lien as well, just imagine hundred of folks not paying. It takes even more money if the property owner disputes the lien, specially since many have kept records of road work.

As far as not able to be on the board....oh my, what a loss!

I wasn't trying to ruffle any ones feathers or come across smug.I was trying to save you a lot of time and energy. Going to court, getting an attorney(If you can find one who will take a case such as this) will take a very very long time. Attorneys are all about billable hours and if they lose.... no skin off their teeth. When I began researching options I learned that attorneys are not interested, judges are even less interested and the AG is pretty useless and very disfunctional.. You will need a very large core group who will stay engaged and have lots of money to burn . Getting the board to follow the bylaws or even learn them has been fruitless. They have caused dissention in our community. And how many of us who they know waant to be late on our dues? You don't think we won't be the first ones they go after. I have watched them humiliate members in public who have been a bit delinquent.And how can not paying really help when you then can not vote? Like I have been saying all along, removing and replacing the bad apples is our only chance. If reasonable,responsible members don't take charge nothing will change. I am totally in favor of having a professional management company run our affairs here which is roads, roads roads and only roads. This could be a real topic if the destructors are removed and silenced but surely you don't think they willingly will allow it to happen and how much more money can they hide and use on chip seal by then.
Originally posted by Kahunascott

Originally posted by leo

We only need a core group of folks who are committed to bring this road association to heel and organize ourselves. We should create a Facebook page and a twitter feed so absent owners can also understand the issues at hand and lodge their opinons. Set up local district meetings where folks can express their thoughts unlike Board meetings, and that is done the old fashioned way...meeting neighbors face to face. Folks need to be aware that they have an alternative to the Board to discuss the issues affecting the subdivision. We need to fork out fees to get thorough legal advice, and we must get elected officials involved in the grievance process....

We have an issue of absolute dishonesty and mismanagement. The Board does not even care to follow its own bylaws for crying out loud! Folks are way too "reasonable", when in fact we should be going to the next Board meeting to tell them them they are not longer needed,and if they don't resign we will grab them by the pants and feed them to the sharks.

Get on the board, get rid of the bad apples then help find a decent replacement if you can't handle it

All of the above are viable options. John's right we should talk to state representatives and AG. Hard to ignore if we all bombarded them with emails. I think lot owner apathy is the biggest obstacle.

Don't pay your road fees or at very least be delinquent. Hold back past the due date for several months. They can't do anything to us for being delinquent. That would shake them up. Can't spend what they don't have. The board has a contract with us. You wouldn't pay your cell phone bill if service stopped would you? Or purchase something you didn't want?

The visual of us showing up in groves and telling the board they're fired is satisfying but they'd probably just ignore us unless they got escorted out. They'd have more money than us, using our money to sue us which is ironic and f'd up.

You need to read the bylaws. Not paying your Road Fees will get your home liened and they can foreclose as well. That will look good on your credit report.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....

they may be able to lien, but a foreclosure is not easy or cheap. Courts dont take foreclosure lightly, let alone for road fees. HPP cannot foreclose, they can lien for arrears just like a mechanics lien, they can ask for interest to be attached, and then they will have to follow up and make sure they renew the lien every few years. No income and billable attorney hours will place a big dent on the association's pocket. Even the County will wait 5 or so years before they put a lien for arrears. HPP is a road association, they don't own your land. WithHolding payment of fees for association non compliance and neglect to service the roads,is not unreasonable and it will put this board under enormous pressure.

Johnd, HPP is an owners association (HPPOA)...some think our name should be changed to road association... HPPRA

How that changes things I admit I don't know...maybe someone else does.
Originally posted by mermaid53

Johnd, HPP is an owners association (HPPOA)...some think our name should be changed to road association... HPPRA

How that changes things I admit I don't know...maybe someone else does.

we are not a HOA, this association does not own the land under your home

Originally posted by Johnd

Originally posted by mermaid53

Johnd, HPP is an owners association (HPPOA)...some think our name should be changed to road association... HPPRA

How that changes things I admit I don't know...maybe someone else does.

we are not a HOA, this association does not own the land under your home


HPP , just like most subdivisions owns the roads.

That would be HPPOA... the entire membership, not just the board.

Obie, the board is suppose to represent the membership not their own agenda.
having a professional management company run our affairs here which is roads, roads roads and only roads

Yes: this should be required by law. Perhaps our elected representatives can help get this passed at the State or County level.

"All mandatory road dues must be managed by a professional services corporation."

With penalties for non-compliance.

Cheaper than a lawsuit, and County might even support the idea if it deflects focus on their part in creating the problem.

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