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The weather?
Hey I got my grass cut today. Things are brightening up!!

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Hope, everyone has been talking about how the weather we've had the past 3 months is not normal. Althought the rainfall is a little over average for the year, it is not normal for the all day rain stuff we have been having for weeks a time (this is from a lot of the kids, and profs, at school, and even the weather guys are talking about it, so I think that it is best to say that this past spring was not normal, even for Hilo! (Heck, even some of our friends near Southpoint have been talking about the rain they've been getting! Now that is NOT normal!
Hope that this give you sunny hopes (I have only been here a year, but it seems like days like today are more of a local norm)
Aloha, Carey

Aloha Holly,

The current weather is a rather more than a bit on the wet side for "normal" but the past several years have been very dry. The County had installed a lot of emergency water spigots in our neighborhood since they anticipated a lengthy drought. Folks were using them last year, but not much lately! It seems the weather pattern may be getting back to the normal wetter patterns that are typical of Hilo. I think the "normal" rainfall is about 150" a year, isn't it? One year it did go way over 200", though. '87, I think it was, but I forget. I'm sure it is all written down somewhere.

We also seem to be having a global weather pattern shift if we take into consideration the increased hurricane pattern being shown on the mainland. Some have said it is a trend that is likely to continue for several decades, however, I myself don't have enough information to have a valid opinion.

One of my cuckoo clocks is beginning to mildew, though. That's not usual!

A hui hou,

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Cancelling concrete? My guy has about 5 pours backed up cuz of rain and he said Call Max (at Con-ag/Yamada) tell him to schedule pours for the next 5 SUNNY days in Glenwood! Max said ok how about aug next year??? lol....

Catherine Dumond
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"
That's a hoot KCat. We took a chance and did NOT cancel last Saturday's pour despite it raining most of Friday night. Shortly after the 6th truck left, it started to rain and it almost broke my heart to break open that $100+ roll of plastic, but it's done and the joy of seeing all that concrete kinda makes that extra expense worthwhile. For anyone curious, we poured 4 slabs - # 1 (30 yds) on 01/30 followed by 3 rain delays, #2 (28 yds) on 03/29 followed by 1 rain delays, and finally #3&4 (54 yds) on 05/20. Had anyone told me last year that it would from Nov to May to get my slabs done, I would have chuckled in disbelief.
Weather sure has been beautiful these last 2 days. Love it.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
gorgeous weather down here too!! Glad your concrete worked out!
The weather in Puna looks beautiful this afternoon at 2:30 Hilo time 5:30 here in No. Cal!

See check it out!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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