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Who are the "protectors" I've heard mentioned?
It will be conveniently located for any Punawebbers near PGV who are thinking of moving to the mainland.
Sense of humour, please!

Graham, is that you?
Oh, you know Tom, a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, inside a mystery. It is great puzzlement.
Kenney wrote:

"It will be conveniently located for any Punawebbers near PGV who are thinking of moving to the mainland."

They'll need to know the quantum mechanical photon-entanglement encrypted password first, but I'm already giving away too much information. I'm sure gypsy will be up to it though...
Here's an example:

"I never knew how spiritual it was, because I never knew what was back there"
"Personally, I don't want to see any development," she said. "This isn't the area. It's already too crowded."

Bascially: any substantive development will turn out to be on "sacred lands" and/or "too close to someone's house", which means a "contested case hearing" and then more lawsuits when that hearing doesn't produce the "right" answer.

Government goes along with it every time, thus validating all these claims of "sacred lands".

It's time for the "protectors" to designate some officially "non-sacred lands" for the poor unfortunate haoles and their development. Of course, we would have to beg State for permission, since we have almost zero control over zoning and land-use. The designated "haole lands" would be far away from anyone's house, so require new road construction, but ... it would all be cheaper in the long run.
designated "haole lands"

Welcome to "The Hawaiian Haole Reservation"

Next Exit
Gas, Food, Lodging, Casinos
Open 24 hours.

(The casinos will pay for the connecting roads and other infrastructure)

“Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe… What we believe determines what we take to be true.” -David Bohm
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I just figured out how the "protectors" can save County a big pile of money!

Because all lands are "sacred" and therefore "cannot" be developed, we can just get rid of the Planning and Building departments -- since nothing more will be built, these staff are completely unnecessary.

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