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Be careful
at the ironwood park on the dead end side of Maku'u. Some guy with a very aggressive blue nose pitt camping right on the trail leading out to the water and points south if you're walking. Dog was on a leash but tried to get at my girlfriends dog and when she came back from her walk, the pitt was off its leash and attacked my GF's dog. No blood but dog pretty well shook up. Police said they would check it out....

Boy, it's getting scary to walk your dog these days. Glad your GF and her dog are now safe. Mahalo for the warning.
I don't know if this would actually work, but I'm thinking of carrying around a couple of rawhide bones or something that dogs really, really like, like beef jerky or something. So if I come across a dog like that, I can toss them something and I can make my escape. I'd really rather not spray or shoot or bash a dog, especially since I envision further antagonism from the dog's owner at that point.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
It works on some dogs. The little milk bones are a favorite of mail delivery folk. Unfortunately, sometimes it enrages the owners who may accuse you anywhere along the spectrum from poisoning or give the dog something it's "not allowed" to have, or whatever else is going through the human's crazy mind at the time.
Thank you for post, Royall. This vibe is not at all what we are used to here along the coast.
Hope it is just a few unrelated occurrences. Hate to think that we are all now supposed to acquiesce to inconsiderate dog owners.
Oh Royall! So sorry to hear! Poor baby dog. I hope the dog is doing better now.

Another friend's dogs were attacked right there a couple of years back - 2 dogs jumped off back of pickup truck and attacked. One of her dogs ran all the way home to 3rd St., the other was bloodied and shaken.

Too many scary dog stories lately!! Keep your dogs leashed, people!!! (preachin' to the choir)
Keep your dog leashed and carry one big stick!

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