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The Bugs
I got used to the bugs years ago. Nothing is usually a problem, except 'skeeter bites. However, a couple months back I was up in the middle of the night, making a deposit in the porcelain bank. While I was sitting there doing my business, I noticed something crawling on my most valuable posessions.. I jumped up to find a 2 inch roach hanging from my ------. I screamed like a little girl. Wink

Oooo, that's nasty. So what did everybody else in your house think? How did you explain it? How about the neighbors? Come to think of it I did wake up a couple months back in the night cause I thought I heard a scream. Was that you? You might want to consider briefs instead of boxers.

Edited by - Andrew on 05/10/2006 13:59:17

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
I am sooo doubled over laughing my butt off!!! You guys are so funny! This is the best thread ever!



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
I was just thinking the same thing myself, Carrie - the imagery..... Oooooh! I got chicken skin!!!

The only thing that bothers me is roaches. Those big buggahs flip me out. I will say in my defense, that I am getting so much better. I no longer freak out, jump up and down and run around in circles.

Nope, not me.

I have now discovered that orange scented goo gone works wonders at stunning them - long enough for me scoop 'em up and toss them in that ol' porcelain bank.

I know, I know - but it was the only thing I could get my hands on at the time. That sucka was HUGE!

I can live with most of these creatures, but I just can not deal with roaches.

Next time, I'm calling Tony....


Actually we have one of those in our backyard. We live right in a park area and our back yard has several large trees and is fairly big for a place in the city. We have raccoons, possums, squirrels, and in the summer tooo many mosquitoes. You are supposed to keep it away from any structures like the side of your house, fences or garage walls. We used it last summer for the first time and I didn't find it worked too well. We bought the one that was about $200. I think there are more expensive ones. Those might work better. But for the money I didn't find it was too great of an investment.


Lenny LLuberesm
I am somewhat passive about insects now. I don't mind them at all, but I am extremely grossed out by roaches! Flying roaches are common in my place of birth. I wasn’t raised there but do remember being attacked by one that seemed bigger than me when I was only 6 years old and visiting my grandmother. I'm sure it wasn't but at that age it sure seemed like it. It was purposely chasing me around the house as I recalled. Are roaches common there? If any of that roaches relatives are there I think I will have to reconsider the move. I really don't think they like me.

Lenny LLuberesm
"Skeeters" are lured to (CO2). When u exhale they can "smell u". A byproduct of used propane is (CO2) so they become lured to the trap thinking that they are coming in for a landing on some fat juicey snacks. In adition, as your blood alcohol level rises you become less "tastey" to them and they move on to the sucker,,, I mean "designated driver". So pass out the dixie cups of some sweet cider and lets get pickled !!!
Can I blame the roach for leaving the seat up ??
Yeah if they are getting pickeled on the sweet cider!!!why not! LOL

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
My hubby was just at the Home Depot (mainland) yesterday, looking at those mosquito traps. He said what he read was that there was two kinds of bait. In the northern areas there is one kind of mosquito, and here in the tropics as in the south, we have tiger mosquitos. You have to chose the right bait for the right bug... Smile

I've got skeeters pretty bad here - funny thing is, you don't know they've bit you all up till you come back in the house. Maybe that's a good thing.....

And Lenny - if you have to ask if there are roaches here, I dont' guess you've spent much time here!!!! Smile



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