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Harry Kim has another heat attack
Our Mayor Harry Kim, I am told, had another heart attack today and is on his way or is now in a Honolulu hospital.

We do hope for his recovery and send him our best.

He had an attack Aug. 11th and reports from staff was that he was weak and trying to take it easy.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

My mom just got a pacemaker last weekend!

Hope he will be ok.

Mayor Kim is in Oahu at Queens:
The scary thing is that in today's online issue of the Hawaii Herald Tribune it is said that neither the Hilo nor Kona hospitals are equipped to care for heart attack patients. The care given in the first hour or so determines whether many victims live or die. I did not realize that something as basic as emergency care for a heart attack would be a problem on the Big Island. That's scary.
The hospitals are equipped for initial care but not for follow-up. MI patienta are regularly flown over to Queens. The Big Island is a medically underserved location and that does NOT just mean we don't have enough doctors for office visits. With our growing population of retirees, there needs to be a MAJOR revamping of the medical facilities here. You don't like the changes in your property taxes now? Wait till the people move into all these houses hey built over here to retire in. They will double just to pay for upgrading hospitals. Just an opinion but frankly, you moved to a remote wonderland expecting services and facilities like the mainland, expect to PAY like the mainland. You can't have it both ways.
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I hope the citizens of the BI agree with you. Health care needs to be improved, even if it means higher taxes.
Originally posted by Carey

Mayor Kim is in Oahu at Queens...

Queen's has the awesome cardiac care unit! And all the staff in that unit is incredibly professional and.... nice.... My dad spent a few weeks x 2 there a year ago spring 07.

When you look at it - if you lived in LA, and had to get transferred to UCLA Med center from a West SFV hospital .... it would still be an hour in traffic.

But yes, I agree that we need way better health care on the Big Island especially as our population "grays".

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