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HPP mailbox vote
PaulW, I think the recent posts here answers your question. Appears we have confusion. The last I heard at the membership meeting, it was on hold and the board was getting attorney advice. There was disagreement on whether the board is allowed to assess the association for anything more than road fees. If that's the case, I wouldn't think they can assess a 25% late fee either.
Looks like we should call the office to get the scoop.

PaulW, synopsis is that in our last road fee bills, they included a ballot that asked if we would agree to being assessed $150 per lot for a mailbox, so that all lot owners could have mailboxes. It said that the mailbox fee would be due by June, or the owner would be assessed a 25% late fee. The ballot is here:

There would be 4 mailbox areas, two on Makuu and two on Kaloli, with one mailbox allotted to every TMK. Questions still remain about whether undeveloped lot owners would have to pay, how a box could be assigned without a street address, whether we could keep our old HCR box numbers if we wanted, etc. (no to that one), how they would maintain the new mailbox areas if the can't maintain the roads anymore because of chipseal diversion of road workers and money, etc. The ballots were supposed to be sent back with road fees, and the $150 assessed separately (i.e., they were saying the ballot was only a ballot, but it READ like it was saying that no matter how you voted, you'd have to pay by June).

My own take, and the reason my husband and I told them in a letter we sent with our ballots, was that we were voting against the measure until the time they can maintain the roads for a period of at least two years. Then we'd have more confidence in it. I will leave the issue of whether they even have the authority to assess a mailbox fee to others.

I hope that helps.
Thanks leo and DTisme. So I should still vote?
I would.
My own take, and the reason my husband and I told them in a letter we sent with our ballots, was that we were voting against the measure until the time they can maintain the roads for a period of at least two years. Then we'd have more confidence in it. I will leave the issue of whether they even have the authority to assess a mailbox fee to others.

That's a very fair assessment DTisme...
Excerpts from the Board mtg agenda for 19 April 2017:

1. Proposed Non-judicial Foreclosure Process on Past Due Road Fees – Chris Anderson
2. Request by State Department of Transportation, Right-of-Way, for Release of Reservation – Patrick Murdoch
3. Proposed and Preliminary Budget FY 2017-18 Proposals – Don Morris
4. Results (Tabulation) of the Mailbox Survey sent out January 2017 – Don Morris
5. Service Awards Selection – Create a Committee to Oversee – Board
6. Propose That Ballots be Mailed for Contested Races Only - Leilani Bronson-Crelly
7. Select Group to Tabulate the Ballots for Election 2017 – Leilani Bronson-Crelly"

(As we recall, initially the "survey" was a demand for payment + survey regarding the mailboxes) The GM reported these results: 676 YES 1295 NO. Did 676 people send in $150 = $10,140? What happens w/that $$$?

This doesn't mean they won't move ahead any ways. That's what they did w/the CS. Members votes didn't matter then and the board is still plowing forward w/CS. Although in this case, moving forward would require more members' $$$$, due in June. Let's see where they go from here on the mailboxes...
This situation would remedy itself if the BOD understood the difference between dictating and representing.
Meantime, we all suffer from the choking dust that our roads have become, and threats of fines for non payment of their latest folly.
situation would remedy itself if the BOD

...were eliminated.

we all suffer from the choking dust that our roads have become

Thanks for reminding me -- gotta file more complaints with EPA about that issue.
Don't forget DOH, AG, Bondholder. Eventually someone with more "pull" than residents will act in our behalf. (as the BOD is meant to do!)
someone with more "pull" than residents

Which is exactly why I'm going direct to EPA -- it's more than obvious that neither County nor State care about the problem. "It's just Puna."

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