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Anyone else get the blue postcard for voting for HPP District 9 seat? Return address is HPPOA Keaau PO and reverse side is titled "Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association Board of Directors Ballot - 2017," but it asks that the ballot be sent to "HPPOA Ballot - c/o Nanawale Community Assoc, with Pahoa address. So I'm guessing it was really sent out by the candidate, David Roe. (No other candidate is listed, but that doesn't surprise me even if this did come from HPPOA)
Mr. Roe included a statement and seems to be like-minded with many of us, frustrated with progress of paving and angry about the increase of fees that never made a dent in the loan interest. He makes no mention of chip seal.
Just wondering what other people think. We've never gotten a blue postcard ballot before. We got one for each lot we own.
Considering the instructions to send to Nanawale Community Assn, I'm confused over whether this is an official HPPOA ballot or if it's an promotional piece sent out by Mr. Roe. He's been here 22 years.
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Yep....I got one also but since it didn't include a stamped return envelope I threw it in the garbage.
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I think I heard that Nanawale was the "third party" who counting the votes instead of League of Women Voters as in the past. It's a febile attempt to make it look like a fair count, impartial, unlike last year when the HPP BOD, office staff and Manager did it.
Postcards? Guess someone wized up after wasting postage on the mailbox vote, survey, or whatever they're calling it now.
Who really knows? Website is a joke. (on us)
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macuu222 try and see if you can retrieve your ballot. It's a legal ballot. Kenney is right...Nanawale is the 3rd party Receiving and Counting the ballots. If it had been HPP's adrs, that would've been against the bylaws.
I'm in Dist 5 so my ballot is green. My lot # is listed on the ballot, which is a security measure, so that's a good thing. We only have one candidate as well. In the past past, diff ballot colors were used for diff districts.
They're trying to save $ by not providing a pre stamped envelope...a mistake IMO. I'm sorry, but these boards over the past few yrs have been intent on cutting back $ where they shouldn't bc of the CS project. They need all the $ they can get for CS.
If anyone gets a ballot w/more than 1 candidate on it, pls describe what your ballot looks like.. is it a postcard like Dist 9 and 5?
Can't blame some of us for lack of trust after what happened last yr.
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No return envelope? Less ballots returned. Smart. (in a devious way.)
Not enough ballots returned and the BOD can appoint more "like minded" people.
And the wheel goes round and round.
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I don't mind putting it in an envelope. A lot of bills require your own envelope now, so not a surprise. Sheesh, you even have to use your own envelope to pay your vehicle registration fee, something I've never seen anywhere else.
I do wish they had printed on the postcard that ballots are being tallied by third party. Whatever. No matter the method, in the 8 years we've been here, this is FIRST time we've ever gotten a postcard to vote.
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We got ours too.
So why have a "ballot" with only one candidate?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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Because everyone who's district is up for election has the right to vote whether it's one candidate or more. And the board and GM are to ensure that we all are given that opportunity. I had heard that the topic had come up not to send out ballots for districts that had only one candidate to save $. I'm glad they carried their tasks out thus far by following the bylaws. The elections aren't over yet. Let's see how the rest of it goes.
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We got ours today too. Yellow. Only one candidate. His Bio is short and sweet: " Won't steal money".
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I've seen the ballot for district 7 and it is a full page because there are 2 candidates. The instructions say to make your vote and then refold the page so that the address for the Nanawale Assoc. mailing address shows and to mail with a stamp.
I heard that the reason they sent post cards to the other districts was to save mailing costs but when I heard that, I wondered how will the voter be able to read the candidates "200 words or fewer unedited statement of qualification" . I was told that someone in the audience at the board meeting asked that question and the answer was "the candidate's statements will be printed very small". I guess so...
Also from what I was told Mermaid is correct 8digits. The reason you have to send out ballots to the districts with only one candidate is because without a vote there would not be an election of that candidate and would likely produce more controversy, if you can believe that!
I guess the board debated the question to mail or not to mail those ballots out to those solo candidate districts for quite a while. Which is always the case with a group of board of directors not processing a modicum of common sense.