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2) Yes I am familiar with the way Capt. Turpin runs the boat, Have observed his operation first hand.
3) Have no financial connection by way of disclaimer
As I mentioned I consult to the industry, have 40 years in the field, my opinion is based on that experience.
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He literally ran out of fuel while out in advisory level seas for Crissake.
To the tune of "Casey Jones"
Riding that boat, trying to keep it afloat
Shane Turpin, you better, watch that guage.....
Trouble ahead, trouble behind
pay the lawyers and insurance, and pay that fine......
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"I believe a 1000 foot distance from the lava entry was established as the closest allowable legal approach. "
Shane was given an exemption to enter the safety zone.His boat has an aluminum canopy which adds a measure of safety.The safety briefing before leaving is very detailed and thorough.I did get a hole burned in my shirt the last time I went out.That was covered in the briefing too.
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Riding that boat, trying to keep it afloat
snorkle, you oughta drive on down to the public parking lot at Pohoiki, break out your guitar and start entertaining guests as they board the boat. Maybe work up some tunes off that old favorite "(Shane) Ter(ra)pin's Station." Like the opening track, Estimated Profit.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Stuff happens ....batteries go flat, oil lines split, fuel filters leak, passengers jump over board...I've had fathers toss their kids overboard to "correct" them (my most scary moment) the list goes on...
I once had a passenger undress while dancing on on upper deck, when confronted she climbed on the roof .....then the sheriffs boat arrived responding to the outrage as we returned to the slip
its negligence as investigated by the ever watching coasties that bite and lead to loss of license
as long as no one gets hurt ... "if one wants to beat a is easy to find a stick"
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Which "bench" collapse have you witnessed, glinda? It might be very appropriate and helpful to others for you to describe what you witnessed and how the canopy wouldn't be much use. Please indulge us. It's a better way to have a conversation instead of just insulting people. Thanks.
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As someone who has been subject to more than his share of direct insults in the past few weeks (IMO), are we setting new protocol on behavior? glinda criticized a statement, not a person, directly.
Is labeling an idea/statement as "ridiculous" a direct insult? (Yes she should have included supporting info.) Just asking, sincerely.
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I think basically he has boats that are insured and licensed and at 2-300 per person several trips a day he can afford to blend the legal line a bit. I'm sure he has the health and safety of the boat and people foremost in mind
He is in a hazardous area and has to please his clients as well. I would be more worried that other non licensed non experienced vessels could get there clients hurt
Just my 2 cts
Dan D
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By the time we are done arguing about this issue, the lava flow will switch directions.
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Sheesh! Again I say, I'm well aware of the risks. Please don't let your fears prevent me from enjoying the tours.