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Anyone have any Milestone to kill trees?
I know a lot of people have been using Milestone to take care of Albezias, but we have a couple of "gunpowder" trees to get rid of, and I was recommended to use Milestone. I hate to drop $100 bucks, since I really only need maybe 50 drops, so I was wondering if anyone could spare some to sell?
Triclopyr (Garlon) works fine for albezias, gunpowder etc. Keaau Ace has 32 oz. for $19.72 (Ortho Poison Ivy concentrate, in a green bottle). I put it (concentrate) in a spray bottle and hack and squirt about every 5 inches on large trees or on the cut stumps. You have to treat within about 10 minutes. Diluted at 4 oz/gal it does a good job on hono hono, but a retreatment is often necessary. Glyphosate (RoundUp) does nothing to hono hono.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
That's much cheaper than 32 oz of Milestone which is over $100. If you look at the labels, Milestone is much more concentrated at over 40% active ingredient while the Ortho concentrate says it's only 8%. But hey, if it works just as good for killing albizias than go with the cheaper option.
Excellent! Thanks for the tip and info!
Please let us know how it works out.
If you live in Nanawale, you can buy an eyedropper full for $20 at the Longhouse...have fun, a dead Albizia is a good Albizia!!
The tryclopyr did the trick for the gunpowder trees, mahalos!
Anyone know if either Milestone or Triclopyr (Garlon) will work sprayed on ginger? Am not spraying large plants, only small shoots say less than 6 inches.

Also anyone know if these are good poisons for spraying on glory bush (tibouchina)? Both plant pests are bad in Volcano.
RoundUp seems to kill the glory bush. I have used roundup at 50% strength to kill guava by the hack and squirt method. I have also used it at the 2 oz/gal concentration to kill guava by spraying on foliage but it took at least a couple of repeat applications.
How about ring the tree by peeling a wide strip of bark off all the way around to fell it or just use the chainsaw.
Then with a controlled burn, pile up dry wood around the stump and burn it down to a little charred mass. The sap of the tree will boil at the bonfire temperatures and cook the roots. So far I've had no problems with this method. If your fire is evenly surrounding the stump and big enough to really char that stump for awhile, the tree won't grow back.

I know, I know poisons are out there for a reason, to kill these trees but they are so toxic. Dangerous to have around the house if you have curious kids or pets. Dangerous to the user if an accident happens. I also know the fire can be dangerous and spread but just be vigilant and have your hose or buckets ready and do your burn on a day after a rain and it will not spread.

I just feel people are too quick to reach for the poison as an easy way out. Sure it will work great today. The easiest method.
Hopefully never any long term damage like all the warnings in fine print on the back of the bottle.

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