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Mystery bug bites
I have someone I know getting hit with bug bites from invisible bugs at night leaving dime sized red bites on the arm and shoulders at night. No other evidence. No bugs witnessed, seen or caught. Bites are itchy and last 3-4 days.

Any ideas? How to treat for the problem?

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
[quote]Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I have someone I know getting hit with bug bites from invisible bugs at night leaving dime sized red bites on the arm and shoulders at night. No other evidence. No bugs witnessed, seen or caught. Bites are itchy and last 3-4 days.

Any ideas? How to treat for the problem?


Have them check this out.
My neighbor just got back from Manchester with a case of bedbugs.
Slow Walker
Could they be allergic to mosquito bites or have a compromised immune system? Pam has exactly the same issue when she gets bitten. Unfortunately, all she can do is try to avoid being bitten in the first place.
Possibly a spider bite.. ??? Or fire ants? I've had good luck using Benadryl "Itch Stopping Gel" extra strength, for itchy bug bites. It works great... even better if applied soon after the bite.
Sounds like bed bugs to me.


Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
This may help determine whether it's bed bugs or not...process of elimination...
Hmm arm and shoulders... guess that probably rules out the kissing bug.
A friend, on a trip a few years back, staying at a well know hotel got bed bug bites. She was allergic and had terrible welts and had to get a cortisone shot to help her heal. No one else in the room was bitten. These bugs can travel home with you in a suitcase or bed cloths. They are practically invisible and only bite at night.

mella l

Art and Science Our Future

mella l
Art and Science
I got bitten in a hotel, and saw one crawling on my bag at the airport check-in. Everything went in the hot wash and dryer, or the freezer for two weeks when we got home. Your luggage could get them in the baggage hold. The bites took over a month to go away, nasty critters!
Thanks for the input everyone. I have a new tenant with the problem and suspect the tenant may have brought bedbugs in via the airport.

All the information is appreciated.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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