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Water shortage and restrictions for kona side.
"The red road is now gone forever from the Kapoho area and so is the keiki's learning to fish and dive for food areas. Your subdivision has continued catering to the B&B vacationing tourism with no regard for the local and Hawaiian habits and traditions. Are you also wanting to put an end to the longtime awesome Red road nighttime car racing as well?"

If the Red Road is gone forever, what need is there to stop the car racing on it?
You know, given Gypsy's recent posts, I just can't help thinking about this.

How come it's okay to use water on the golf course but not on the mountain? Everything is sacred to someone.
Working in a casino, I'd be surprised if you could stomach that. Playing a part in family tragedies night after night, it's beyond tragic.
Thanks again for moving away, now I can donate to the Puna Christmas event again.
Even though the observatories don't use much water, they're not even in Kona and have their water trucked up from the Hilo side. They are not subject to the water restrictions in Kona, but it wouldn't matter if they were; they don't use enough to be a problem. As for using profits for educational use, once again, the observatories don't make profits. It's a lie that keeps being repeated by those incapable of using facts.
Originally posted by gypsy69

Obie, good evening to you sir.

Thanks for your input regarding my posted links.

If you don't mind me asking Obie. Why haven't you ever answered my many questions regarding the local fishing area once known as (Fisherman's wharf) in your area?

Fisherman's Wharf is in San Francisco .

Or the public ocean access trails that have been recently taken away from within your Vacation land subdivision?

We have several trails that have always been available to the public and they are marked with signs.

Why not allow the locals an area to park inside the subdivision away from the crowds of tourists?

So I should allow people to park in my yard ? I'm further from the ocean than our parking area .

You know, to make it more convenient for local family activities outside of the bogus fish sanctuary?

Maybe local families would be healthier and live longer if they walked the short distance to the ocean.

The red road is now gone forever from the Kapoho area and so is the keiki's learning to fish and dive for food areas. \

Last I checked the Red Road was still there just black now because it was paved with oils that are now known to be toxic.

Your subdivision has continued catering to the B&B vacationing tourism with no regard for the local and Hawaiian habits and traditions. Are you also wanting to put an end to the longtime awesome Red road nighttime car racing as well?

Nighttime car racing is a Hawaiian tradition ? Judging by the amount of trash left behind , Drug abuse and excessive drinking must be Hawaiian traditions too.

My guess is that most wan-na-be pilots are just naturally rude people who have no regard for others. Maybe they just think they are above everyone else most of the time.

??? Never wanted to be a pilot.

Edited by - Obie on 09/22/2017 04:00:07
Your subdivision has continued catering to the B&B vacationing tourism with no regard for the local and Hawaiian habits and traditions.

Umm... The "private agricultural" subdivisions were created as a tax/investment scam; now they're mostly "faux residential" (which is to say "people just trying to live somewhere"). Meanwhile, huge resorts on the west side "cater to tourism", but they somehow never desecrate anything and are magically OK?

That's some pretty powerful "selective focus".
Ooooh red font, I guess Obie's angry gypsy69. Did she answer your questions? They seemed pretty generic to me, anybody living in Puna could've answered those questions.
As far as I know Obie is a man and lives in Kapoho. Why would you think otherwise?
Wherever gypsy goes, he's a local. Didn't you once say that only native Hawaiians are allowed to have opinions about Hawaii?
Obie, thank you for taking the time to answer a few of my questions the best you could.

There use to be a public access trail to the ocean in the middle of your Vacationland subdivision. I think the Hurricane in 2014 caused some damage to the area and the changes took place shortly after. The sign was removed, the trail was not cleared of storm debris and the parking area has been replaced by large boulders. Also on the right side of the fish sanctuary has always had a public access trail to the ocean. Someone built a new house a few year back just to the left of this trail and now there is a sign that says no beach access. The parking for that trail use to be across from Greg and Jans old place, now boulders and signs of no parking has been placed there. Anyway, I use to spend a lot of time in these areas and it use to be some of my best times of my life. It became difficult to take my kids to these same places to do the same things due to these changes and inconveniences.

I do have a couple other questions to ask you Obie, I hope you don't mind.

A couple years back you had started a thread bashing the two ladies from Trip adviser. I posted a couple times on your thread as did others. Somehow you were able to have the entire thread removed from this forum. How did you remove that thread?
Also, you recently answered my questions to you which I do appreciate. How were you able to EDIT your response before it was even posted in the first place?
See your post happened at 4:03:03 but you Edited your post at 4:00. It seems odd to me that you can accomplish or practice these things on someone's forum. I and other's may want to delete entire threads in the future so it would be helpful if you could explain how to do this. Mahalo Obie.

I am going to see if my edited time also comes up before my posted time. I guess not this time, LOL.

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