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Centipede Bite!
Dang centipede, the size of an anaconda, bit me on the foot! I'm trying not to cry but it really hurts! What do you guys use to manage the pain? I'm thinking a little ice and elevation and hopefully it will feel better on the morning?

Was it in your house? Hope you killed that thing!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Slice open the wound with and exacto knife - and make a mix of half ammonia and half clean water and the toxins will be sucked out if a fresh bite.
go into garden and pick 300 mature lokahi leaves to suck out toxins bring to a boil about 25 to 30 mature leaves and place on bite wound - repeat same process 4 - 6 times - the last time - make polstice and wrap wound with gauze paper tape and in morning no mo nuttin.
Mrs . Mimosa
I had read that rubbing papaya into the bite helps.
When I get them, the pain usually subsides in 6-10 hours anyway.
Haven't been bit by one yet.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Ibuprofen, hot or cold compress, and a day or two of waiting.
Meat tenderizer is said to ease the pain. Doesn't seem especially scientific, I know... and fortunately I have never had to test the theory myself.
I would consult a doctor and be very cautious when soliciting medical advice on an online forum. I would avoid using meat tenderizer or ammonia to treat open wounds. Best of luck.
Meat tenderizer contains a papaya extract that breaks down protein. The theory is that it will break down the proteins in the venom.

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