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Any body know if they are chip sealing 15 th now?

Dan D

I believe all chip sealing has stopped for the time being due to various serious issues that are being looked into by the board.
dan d I believe what you're talking about is the recyled asphalt..."crumbled" asphalt.
P. S. From what I understand dropping the recycled asphalt was the GM's idea and the new board wasn't informed first that he'd be changing from gravel to this other material. I personally haven't heard yet whether people like it or not..jury's still out I guess.
Last week they added many truckloads of materials and rolled all of 15th between Paradise and Maku'u. It appeared as if they were prepping for CS, but no more activity since then.
After what I've heard of late regarding our new BOD, I was hopeful that change for the better was a possibility. Having now attended the latest Membership meeting, I am elated that what I heard was true! We are actually being represented, respected and welcomed to our own meetings by intelligent, honorable people. In my experience (over 30 years) , this is a first for HPP. I think that great things are possible now, here where so many of us have placed our hopes and dreams (blood sweat and tears too) for ourselves and our families.
No doubt Mermaid will fill in the details of the meeting.
I just wanted to say that FINALLY it seems that some good people are on the job.
Mahalo Ke Akua!

I hope you're right, Kenney. All any of us want is for regular maintenance without having to complain about it.
Originally posted by mermaid53

P. S. From what I understand dropping the recycled asphalt was the GM's idea and the new board wasn't informed first that he'd be changing from gravel to this other material. I personally haven't heard yet whether people like it or not..jury's still out I guess.

It's been used in the past, just not enough on the east side of the island to do any good.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Highlights of the 29 Oct 2017 membership meeting:

Three board members were absent (Dist 1 Larry Kawaauhau, Dist 6 Patrick Murdoch, and Dist 8 Chris Anderson-Treasurer). Dist 2 rep Ruth Mizuba sat in the audience. Dist 8 rep arrived shortly before the end of the meeting so didn't give a Treasurers Report. The GM was absent.

Shortly after the meeting was called to order, the order of business to vote in a Finance Committee was conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition provisions which states when required business isn't completed, it can be resumed immediately at the next meeting at the point where it left off. Before a vote was taken, the Crellys challenged this stating that the Treasurer and the board apptd rep to the FC, can choose 2 members. This was their 2nd attempt at a meeting to pursue this angle. The Pres stated the members choose it's FC members, not the board, per our bylaws as this isn't a board committee. Upon further challenge, the Pres read the atty letter that spoke on this matter. In short, the atty concurred with the board's remedy to fix this issue, and also concurred it's the membership who chooses their FC members, not board members. It stated further that failure by the previous board to tend to this bylaw requirement in June and then denying members' requests to take care of it during the June meeting, took the members' rights away. P Murdoch was the board President, Dist 2 Ruth Mizuba was VP, Chris Anderson was Treasurer and Leilani Crelly was the board secretary at that time.

Before the vote was taken, Dist 2 rep from the audience asked why the board Pres wanted to do the vote of the FC members in one fell swoop instead of individually. The Pres responded that historically it's been done this way. Then an ofc employee, who is an HPP member, asked that each member who signed up, give their qualifications, which they did. The membership voted, motion passed, and there's a very qualified Finance Committee working for the membership this term. There were other attempts before yesterday to shut this FC down but the bylaws prevailed thanks to the new board members who want to follow the bylaws and want transparency.

The Treasurer's report was read by the board Pres. There was a question raised by a member on what she thought was a discrepancy in the Treasurer's Report and the answer will be posed to the Treasurer and posted on the website.

The board Pres, Lori Laucik, reported that the new board is striving for transparency in all HPP business and will be following the bylaws. Chip seal's last mile of phase 1 won't be completed due to discrepancies w/the contract and contractor. The same with the Grasshopper contract and contractor, who had been maintaining the main drag easements. There were members who strongly supported this board decision upon advisement by the FC. New board members were able to get copies of the contracts and it was discovered the GM had signed the contracts which goes against our bylaws and Corporate Policy.

We were fined by the DOH in Feb 2017. Some say it's because there's no gravel on our roads which then results in fugitive dust. The new board has been mediating with the Dept of Health. The board will be setting up a hotline to take dust complaints and the DOH is aware of this. The Planning Dept is who you call if you find issues with a base yard in your neighborhood.

The wrongful terminated employee lawsuit is still ongoing. The board is researching their options regarding the Mango Acre lawsuit that prevailed in Mango Acre's favor regarding "grandfathered consolidated lots prior to 2009". The board will report back to the membership after the board has had time to review this matter. They are getting bids for road striping the main drags (although a member came forward asking they consider including reflectors in the bids and to make sure the work is done professionally and legally).

The new board has asked for information from the office and has been denied. This is their 4th month as reps.

2 Motions passed:

1) A member came forward stating No Confidence in the GM and has asked the board to consider replacing him. After discussion from both sides, the motion passed by a huge margin.

2) A member came forward and requested a forensic analysis be considered by the board. He had previously asked the GM for detailed financial information regarding the chip seal project that has cost the association approx $600,000 or more so far, and hasn't gotten any information. After discussion from both sides and hearing the concerning discrepancies w/the chip seal contract, the motion passed by a huge margin.

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