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Nuclear Attack Siren Test, CDC Presentation Jan 16
Friday, December 1st:

That is when the (Hawaii) government is set to bring back a statewide nuclear attack siren, a relic of the Cold War that will notify islanders that a missile is headed toward them. Officials will test the system for the first time just before lunchtime Friday, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

If the alarm goes off at any other time, by the way, it means that residents have 15 minutes before a nuclear bomb destroys Hawaii as we know it. The tests will be conducted on the first business day of every month for the foreseeable future.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thank you for the information and link. The story, however, does not state how this siren will sound. I assume it will be different than one used for a tsunami. (The Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go is suddenly running through my head.) And, are both being tested on the first working day of each month from here on?

Anyone know?
Here's a video from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency with a sample of the new nuclear attack siren sound. With a background of lilting ukulele music:

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Not to suggest complacency but a few questions come to mind...

How many here actually feel threatened by North Korea?

And, whatever happened to Ronny's Star Wars? i.e., the Strategic Defense Initiative? Didn't we (the USA Defense Department) spend billions of dollars developing and deploying a system by which we should be able to rest assured that all is well in paradise even if there is some upstart cartoon character over in NK with what, one, two, bombs? If not, what was all that hype, and money, spent on? Was it just some ruse to funnel a lot of money to defense contractors and we really do have to worry there may be bombs falling out of the sky?

If all the hype we were sold in the past is true then why would we be encouraged to worry about some little upstart like Kim Jong-un now? Other than thee ol fear tactics that seem to always be one of the ways governments manipulate us. Just think of all the BS done in the name of being afraid of Muslins when in fact almost all terrorism in the US is done by good ol American white boys. And now some, who? want to use Kim Jong-un as the next poster child to rouse all our fears?
@glinda "Didn't we (the USA Defense Department) spend billions of dollars developing and deploying a system"

"The ground-based system has a record of nine successful intercepts out of 17 attempts since 1999." This taken from an article by Bill Cole, Hono Star Adv April 29, 2017. Referencing Barking Sands Kauai tests.

What if we MISS intercepting a rocket from kim? btw you were do'in good till "white boys"

@ HOPTE - If the alarm goes off at any other time, by the way, it means that residents have 15 minutes before a nuclear bomb destroys Hawaii as we know it. The tests will be conducted on the first business day of every month for the foreseeable future.

so, 15 minutes ? ?
You all seem to assuming that Kim's missiles can actually aim themselves properly enough to hit a target. Whose satellites is he using for GPS? Ours or the Russians? I would place bets that both countries have a way to make his missiles a bit more scatterbrained than Kim himself, if it comes down to it.
The voice of reason.

I just want them to put back up all the fallout shelter signs.. which really were signs to some of the best lava tubes. Or would they become homeless camps now?
When the Tsunami horn goes off, I know to head for high ground.

When the Nuclear horn goes off, I know to stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye.
This would make an excellent comedy.

The first time the sirens go off accidentally a family of survivalists lock themselves in their fallout shelter for 15 years. When they finally run out of food and water and are forced to the surface, they wonder what type of world awaits them.

Will talking apes be ruling the planet?

Are people only allowed to live for 30 years, after which they are to report to an auditorium as people cheer as they magically rise towards the ceiling, never to be heard from again... the ones who refuse and run away are hunted down by "Sandmen" to "put them to sleep"?

Will Glinda's prediction of excessive industrialization lead to overcrowding, pollution, and global warming to the point where people have to survive by eating green wafers that were thought to be made from plankton but turn out to be made from PEOPLE?

Or will they emerge from their bunker, eyes squinting for seeing the sun for the first time in 15 years, and find the world nearly exactly as they left it? Billy Kenoi is the mayor again, the rail system in Honolulu is not yet complete and 50 billion dollars over budget (in futuristic adjusted inflation), the cesspool / septic debate unsolved, and Orchidland has 6 competing boards.

Originally posted by Kapoho Joe

When the Tsunami horn goes off, I know to head for high ground.

When the Nuclear horn goes off, I know to stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye.

Wait a minute! I thought we are suppose to hide under our desks!

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