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I Can't Drive 55 (Highway 130 edition)
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

From the Pahoa roundabout to Ainaloa Blvd is about 4 miles.

At 55 MPH - 4 minutes 22 seconds
At 45 MPH - 5 minutes 20 seconds

"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787

That assumes no traffic.

In the real world, the slower the speed limit is, the less traffic a road can carry, in vehicles per hour. So the lower the speed limit and the slower the vehicles are, the more traffic backs up because the road cannot carry as many vehicles per hour.

Lowering the speed limit will only result in more traffic backups in this situation.

Several times in the past few weeks my speed has been 0-5 mph on Hwy. 130. Actually moving at 45 mph would be a relief.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

From the Pahoa roundabout to Ainaloa Blvd is about 4 miles.

At 55 MPH - 4 minutes 22 seconds
At 45 MPH - 5 minutes 20 seconds

At 35 MPH - 6 minutes 51 seconds
At 15 MPH - 16 minutes 0 seconds


Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
Originally posted by EightFingers
That was part of the promise from the new Hiway engineer to make roads safer. He said at the meeting few months ago speed limits would change.

I had heard that, but thought it was to be in conjunction with the intersection changes. Given that nothing about the road has changed, adjusting the speed limit just seems odd and was unexpected.

HereOnThePrimalEdge -
At 55 MPH - 4 minutes 22 seconds
At 45 MPH - 5 minutes 20 seconds

I'm not real concerned about the extra 60, 100, or 300 seconds for the trip, but rather the creation of a speed trap for all of us with driving habits from years of traversing this stretch of road (yep, seen the police have been out enforcing the new speed limit). Oh well, time to set the cruise control (or just pass all the slow traffic on the right - Go on and write me up for 125... Wink
It's really a misnomer to call 130 a Highway. Most highways do not suffer from the myriad of ills that our so called 130 does.

For example - residential and commercial driveways. School buses that pick up and drop off right on the shoulder. Municipal buses that do the same. Speed limits that change every few miles. Short median turn lanes that encourage the aggressive and intimidate the hesitant. Lack of uniform shoulder lane width. Intermittent steet light placement. And of course, waaay too many cross streets.

So not a real highway, more like a special Hawaiian Roadway.

call it what it is - the bare minimum the gov't can get away with.

where's the revolt? where's the daily barrage on city hall? they need to open and improve all the other access routes to lower puna - NOW!

the lava flow was the most gentlest of reminders - **** can get a lot worse.
Originally posted by bluesboy

call it what it is - the bare minimum the gov't can get away with.

where's the revolt? where's the daily barrage on city hall? they need to open and improve all the other access routes to lower puna - NOW!

the lava flow was the most gentlest of reminders - **** can get a lot worse.

And the county’s response will be to raise taxes. After all, they don’t have enough money now, right?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
they need to open and improve all the other access routes to lower puna - NOW!

I'm sure they've budgeted for studies on the matter, so that they can eventually figure out that (1) critical routes aren't available due to a non-cooperative landowner (2) residents don't want more traffic near their homes.

the county's response will be to raise taxes

They have to pay for the studies somehow...
Side B - Drove up to Keaau today and lo and behold, after Shower the 55 mph signs where taped over and 45 mph signs were up in their place. Given the lack of any entrances or exits between Shower and the transfer station there seems even less reason for this, but there it is. If the construction ever ends, at least there will be 4 lanes to travel slower in Wink

"What used to take two hours now takes all day..."
Given the lack of any entrances or exits between Shower and the transfer station there seems even less reason for this

They are making that section of the highway into a permanent 4 lane road, not by widening it, but by narrowing the existing lanes. The new narrower lanes require a lower speed limit.

"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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