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I Can't Drive 55 (Highway 130 edition)
and why didn't they just make it 4 lanes to begin with?
New one size fits all answer - 'It's Hawaii'.
New one size fits all answer

"You lucky you even have a road."

Works for most things. Don't complain about selection, be happy you even got a store.
Originally posted by bluesboy

and why didn't they just make it 4 lanes to begin with?

grinding up the rumble strip in the middle, grinding up the rumble strip on the Hilo bound lane, grinding up the sholder lane on Hilo bound lane, re-Paving of all of the above, removing the existing striping, re-striping all,...the contractor needed more money and the folks of Puna needed to be stalled on 130 ... we're all to dam HAPPY here in Puna
Originally posted by bluesboy

and why didn't they just make it 4 lanes to begin with?

Because f.uck Puna, that's why.
And this one gets the gold star:

Perhaps some "local commerce" would remove a few cars from the highway...

Sounds a whole lot easier and cheaper than policing the road for distracted drivers or drunk drivers.

... what do the police in Puna do all day , anyway.

Well Alaska66, with this being the "screen age", one could, if one had a job where they have unsupervised driving time during work, tuck a personal laptop on the job and enjoy a slew of acivities. There's Poker, Sports betting, fantasy football stuff, porn, amazon shopping, video chat with girlfriends, punaweb posting etc etc etc...

Puna Councilwoman Jen Ruggles, who also represents part of Pahoa, agrees the county’s not doing enough. A good first start, she said, would be to construct a wastewater treatment plant so businesses can grow.

Bringing businesses closer to the large developments would help keep people in Puna, shorten their commute and ease pressure on roads, she said.

So... Ruggles wants people to forget commuting to Hilo and just get a job in Pahoa?
forget commuting to Hilo and just get a job in Pahoa?

As I've said many times: if Puna is merely a "bedroom community" for Hilo, fine, put in enough road capacity to handle the commute traffic. If we "can't" have road capacity because "too expensive", fine, allow some commercial zoning in Puna so that we don't have to Drive To Hilo For Everything.

Upzoning is effectively "free" for County, it's just staff time, all the impact studies and SDCs are paid by the developers. There's even a 10-year-old PCDP that outlines "village commercial centers" ... but we're all still sitting in traffic on 130.

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