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PUNA KIDNAPPING suspect vehicle #HCD-702
Analysis of the translation:

Found - burning truck
Found - body
Found - connection to property on 39th Street

Pending - the other guy

Summation: case is 75% solved, a winning record. We'll get to the rest of it in the playoffs.

"You all just got a lot richer." Donald Trump, Dec 23, 2017, speaking to friends, donors, and sycophants who could afford the $200,000 yearly membership fee at Mar-a-Lago.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Both cases seem to have more evidence than some cases in the past have had. Orchidland: truck's VIN (I assume) and a nearby house; Kidnapping: names of the suspects, description of car. The car will probably be found torched somewhere in the jungle, but the 4 guys have little chance of not being apprehended at some point. It's an island. I can't imagine them being allowed plane tickets out of here. We may even find the two cases are related. Time will tell.
It seems there is significant probability that both the murder and kidnapping cases involved something other than innocent being people attacked while going about their business.

A common factor in crimes like this is the disappearance--or forcible misappropriation--of a large amount of drugs or cash. Since the person or persons who suffered such a loss obviously cannot go to the police, we sometimes see these sorts of outcomes. (Not making a judgment on this.)
Just saw a picture of the victim on the news. She was wearing brass knuckles as a necklace.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
On the news the victims mother said this was over a stolen car but daughter didn't have anything do with this one. Well how many other cars has she stolen?

IMO, Nobody deserves to be conked on the head and terrorized.
Nobody deserves to be conked on the head

That's true.
But she might consider when writing down her 2018 New Years Resolutions to include "Find a better group of friends." I don't think I know anyone at the moment who might crack me a good one with a heavy, blunt object. Sometimes it's the company you keep.

"You all just got a lot richer." Donald Trump, Dec 23, 2017, speaking to friends, donors, and sycophants who could afford the $200,000 yearly membership fee at Mar-a-Lago.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
On the news the victims mother said this was over a stolen car but daughter didn't have anything do with this one. Well how many other cars has she stolen?

There was a bench warrant issued for her in October for car theft and burglary, so...
She has several pending cases of car theft !

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