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Wasn’t Ron or Allan
" the minutes maybe stored on a server under the control of a previous IT company"

I have all minutes on a lap top hard drive that's sitting on my desk.
My dial-up was so slow that I left my computer on at nights and downloaded all of your files.

Anybody want to hire me to extract your files ??
Originally posted by Obie

" the minutes maybe stored on a server under the control of a previous IT company"

I have all minutes on a lap top hard drive that's sitting on my desk.
My dial-up was so slow that I left my computer on at nights and downloaded all of your files.

Anybody want to hire me to extract your files ??

What an idiot.
Mermaid, Don't feed the HPP troll!
One other comment on the missing board minutes prior to 2009. The story may have already been mentioned, either way back on this thread or another concerning HPP, on what happened to those minutes and all the other missing documents from the HPP office. So here is either a reminder to some or news to others.

The day of and immediately after the 3 employees were illegally fired in July 2014 and escorted out of the office by a couple of bouncers/thugs that were brought along, a group of people invaded the office and ransacked it. The image I get from the way the office lady who was still in the office described it (she was later illegally fired), this group who ransacked the office must have looked like a wild bunch of ancient Vandals sacking Rome in 455 AD.

They grabbed everything and stuffed their booty into boxes which were then carted off, much of or most never to be seen again. All of the board meeting minutes up to that time were organized nicely as hard copies in binders located in a book case or on a deck.

After hearing this story from eye witnesses, I have never been able to get this picture out of my minds eye. The Vandals leader looked just like the pirate from Robert Louis Stevenson's character Long John Silver... except with out the beard.
Now some of you will know who the Chief of the Vandals was.
Message from David Roe

All: there is a call by a quorum of BOD members, for a "Special Session" BOD meeting next Monday, January 29, at 6PM. I don't know the specifics (or, frankly, the "generalities"), whether it will be a "General Session," or go direct to "Executive Session." If the HPPOA library and Recording Secretary are available, it will be held at that proposed time/date.

Some have theorized this is an attempt by the majority of the BOD to remove multiple officers from their positions. I find it curious this "Special Session" would be called less than two weeks after the Treasurer was replaced (per the Finance Committee unanimous vote), and a 5-month-temporary District 3 replacement (Craig Creilly, replacing Kathleen Shaw) until the June election.

This would, by definition, be a coup-d'etat. I want to state: ***this is only a theory by a couple of people*** (, although the coup-d'etat tag was mine. "HPPOA BOD 2018 Coup-D'Etat TM". IF TRUE, I plan to sell coffee mugs at an upcoming Swap Meet. Proceeds to go to "Rainbow Friends Animal Rescue." I have no affiliation, other than a desire to get two VERY cute, sweet, adult female/sister border collie rescues boarded somewhere else than here. Maybe this will help...).

Like any board, there are issues that deserve review. I've had my own concerns AND foibles, as a BOD member and Secretary. I've conveyed those concerns through private messaging, and comments during BOD meetings.

If this "Special Meeting" is solely to remove me as Secretary, I'll ***happily*** revert back to just being the "District 9 BOD Representative." I've tried my best, and though I think I've improved the position, this is not what I spent 35 years in the computer/network industry as an "expert." And, as such, I hope you applaud my removal, as I'll be as happy as you, to just be a board member...

Please stay alert for the notice to be posted on the HPPOA website, and attend, if you are available.
This coup-d'etat is an accurate term for just another whacko maneuver by the recently formed 5 majority board w/the recent addition of Craig Crelly.

As a reminder, Crelly was the former president that took HPP into the dark ages for 2 yrs under his reign. Under his watch we got shoddy chip seal roads, neglected roads and easements en masse, our first DOH fine EVER as a result of the neglect of our roads, illegal contracts which created potential liability, he personally signed early 2016 a document giving sole authority to the GM to hire/fire and sign contracts, all gross and serious bylaw violations. A BOARD IS NEVER TO TURN OVER THEIR AUTHORITY TO ANYONE ELSE..bc it subjects the Association (all of us) to potential lawsuits.

This guy should've lost all his rights to become a board member ever again, after all the serious violations he committed against the association. He's the worst president we have ever had and he's vying for that pres seat again, which is the purpose of this illegal meeting. I say illegal bc it's NOT of urgent nature, and exec session mtgs are supposed to be held in conjunction w/board mtgs.

Besides removing a pres who has done nothing but advocate for the bylaws and the membership, they mean to remove the other bylaw and member advocate from her newly appt'd Treasurer seat. The FC advised the board to depose/replace the Treasurer. They had a unanimous vote of No Confidence. The board voted him off and Leslie in....all this transpired BEFORE Crelly filled the vacancy that night and now that he's on the board again, be ready for more whacko maneuvers which are potentially liable to the association.

Add to Crelly's recent addition to the board, 2 wks prior, the GM used Crelly's illegal = null and void document, authorizing the GM to hire/fire, to hire his wife as the office manager. There was no advertising, no opportunity for others to apply for this position so we could get the best applicant to fill the position, and there was no board approval. If this doesn't smell of conflict of interest, it certainly stinks. We are in big kim chee. This is why we need a forensic analysis. Connect the dots.... a circling of wagons maneuver, from w/in the ofc to w/in the board? The plan ultimately is most likely to shut out the Finance Committee from seeing the Association's financial business. You all should be concerned about this as what's going on is of serious nature. The timing may have something to do w/the drive to have a forensic analysis?
illegal contracts which created potential liability ... subjects the Association (all of us) to potential lawsuits

Years have gone by, lawsuits have failed to materialize. Either none of the "illegal" conduct is actionable, or people are fine with how the Board has chosen to run things.

County is rewarding HPP with a lovely new park. Perhaps the other subdivisions can learn from this example?
We already have an over 3 yr old lawsuit going on for "wrongful employee termination".

Another bylaw violation that occurred under Crelly's watch as former pres of the board...election fraud in 2016.

Isn't it the pres's job to protect the association from potential liabilities, not subject them to potential liabilities?
We already have an over 3 yr old lawsuit going on for "wrongful employee termination".

Exactly my point. At this rate, the roads will still be a problem for the great-grandchildren of today's HPP residents.

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