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I have been reading everything I can and talking regularly w/friends and my family in HPP. It is just unbelievable that things continue to get worse and worse. From what I gather(and I will remind you that I have been having to spend a whole lot of time elsewhere to take care of family) the GM is controlling everything on steroids. He bought a new truck? No board or FC discussion or approval, has hired with no oversight (and **** at that, when she was a disaster before; guess her being on the dark side benefited her to get a job since she wasn't qualified when she left last time she worked in the office). The water truck is MIA but we are spending $$$ on some one else, same goes with the road crew.... What are they doing anyway? When I returned for the holidays every road I went on was in really really bad shape but they aren't chip sealing so the roads should be improving but they aren't. I also heard that the FC is still struggling to get the reports they need to do their job and the GM is NO help even though it is in his job requirement to assist and attend FC meetings. Are we still paying Grasshopper?????What a waste of our hard earned dollars. We had better roads when we had a smaller road crew and we used to have qualified pleasant people in the office. It appears that only nasty liars are allowed to work here and they are in no short supply and they are attracted to the environment. Also, a lot of our equipment is sitting around broken but not brought to any ones attention.?Either it was purchased illegally or they figure the longer it sits the more excuse they have to buy new. I was so disappointed to see another (it appeared) decent board member resigned. NOTHING will ever change when the ones with brains enough to understand the bylaws and have a moral conscience quit. I applaud the few remaining though 1 gentleman seems to be (from what I read) afraid to take action. Keeps saying... let's move ahead". Well Mister, you can't move ahead if nothing gets fixed and the wrongs undone.Plus you are actually allowing yourself and HPP to be set up for another law suit by doing nothing. I don't think he would feel that way if he got robbed and the police said.. 'well we know who did it and where they are but just move along. Buy new stuff and quit fretting about what was done." One with a deductive mind can only assume 1 thing. We(HPP) are being swindled. No one would continually fight so hard to keep info from it's employers(US)unless they were hiding things and stealing. No one would want to hide important financial information from their employer. It STINKS all the way around. This has been going on for 3 years. Sign the petition HPP members. Go to the meetings and stand up and be heard. Do not let them get away with this crap. What are you going to do or how are you going to feel when it is to late? Coulda, shoulda, woulda but were to busy doing ...uh..stuff. Yea, I know, lots will say I am just all talk. Well, if my situation was different I can guarantee you I'd be all over it but I can't. I have to count on you right now but when things that are out of my control right now change you will know it.
I also hear Craig Crelly was appointed on the board..... over a really really qualified candidate. (the fix was in)If you can recall, he was the president before( and a really really really really bad one) and told all of us members that "The board can do what it wants". Now does that sound like someone you want to deal with and will follow our bylaws? Does it not make your skin crawl that it is his wife who is now working in our office? Think I'm gonna puke.
Aloha Katarina. Good to hear from you. Long time. Family comes first tho.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Same old sh—, new day. It’s hard to believe the same By Law breaking, arrogant, power hungry people keep coming back to haunt our Board and Office.

Since you’ve been gone, you’ve missed some pretty good performances at Meetings, with Majority Board Members berating Members, and defying our votes . We even have a “Bouncer”on the BOD, who, after arriving late to most meetings, glares threateningly at Members, even women. Big man.

One thing gives me hope. I’ve seen at least 6 Managers come and go here. Every one of them thought they were Dictator, not Employee. Not one of them Retired or got a Parade in their honor. It’s not going to be any different this time. Good riddance, in advance.

Originally posted by leo

I have a question for Mermaid or caveat. What is the Finance Committee doing that's causing these hooligans nerves to rattle?

Well leo, I'll tell you, and good question BTW. The FC has the unmitigated gall to dare ask over and over again, that they be given the financial reports and records that they need to do their job. It is that simple. Any one who has dealt with or been on a FC knows that they need factual documents in order to do the job as prescribe in the HPPOA bylaws and as all accounting procedures would commonly understand to be a normal part of any FC responsibilities.
But the so called powers to be, i.e. the General Manager, Don Morris and his sock puppets on the board are obviously threatened by independent people reviewing the books. You can imagine that a system whereby independent reviewers of the books would be intolerable, as it could spell disaster for the individuals doing the obstruction. This situation could potentially uncover, among several other descriptives, graft or kickbacks from the illegal contracts that he illegally signed (I can not at this time use the term embezzlement until and if a forensic analysis is conducted).

Speaking of individuals doing the obstruction, just as of today the new and honest treasurer has been dealt a severe blow to her treasurer's duties by the new office administrator, the very same political wannabe that was so soundly rebuked and spanked by three of our local politicians at a membership meeting not so long ago. The omniscient and omnipresent Lalanai Bronson Crelly whose fingers could not find enough holes to fill in the bursting dam so she had to start creating the holes herself.

This was just on the coconut wireless this afternoon. Apparently the new competent treasurer called for a FC meeting for Jan. 30th. The new competent treasurer told the HPP office to prepare the financial reports for the meeting. The new illegally hired (remember by the GM who hired her has no authority to either hire or fire) office administrator *****, told the treasurer sorry, can not do, you didn't send the request for reports from your official HPPOA directors email address, you didn't give 7 days notice for the meeting and a couple other lies.
The real reason is they don't have to hand over reports to the FC because the board sock puppets are going to try to remove the treasurer and the president the day before the FC is scheduled.
leo, the FC motioned and voted to create a subcommittee to be tasked w/researching what the actual costs of chip seal were per sort of a mini "audit" on just the chip seal project and look into other road material options for it might have something to do w/the following that could be "rattling some nerves":

The FC subcommittee isn't looking into chip seal as a viable option for our roads. I believe the consensus of the subcommittee was that chip seal wasn't a good fit for HPP's needs after discussing it's expense, and shortcomings as a viable product. We moved onto looking at the other polymers, LeviTrap and AggreBind. We are supposed to get the MSDS on both products as it was believed they are probably close to being the same product. Asphalt is also on the table as an option.

The board appt'd rep to the FC handed out the GM's chip seal cost analysis at the subcommittee's first meeting. After the subcommittee reviewed the GM's chip seal estimates per mile, questions came up. The costs conflict with the GM's earlier reports given at board mtgs, and we concluded we need invoices and prep work costs from the GM to get more accurate info. No one has been tasked yet to request the GM provide any/all invoices/documents that pertain to chip seal. We will need to delegate someone at the next subcommittee meeting, which is held 1 hr before the FC mtg. Maybe someone/s don't like what the subcommittee has been tasked to do.

A question comes to mind on the topic of chip seal...why is the chip seal equipment still on HPP property if the board voted to not do business w/them over a month ago? Is the "new" board w/Crelly on it, the former "chip seal pres" that all the CS shoddy work occurred under, planning on starting up chip seal again now that they have the votes? Crelly's boards have bypassed the FC on most of proposed expenditures and contracts = non transparency/back to the dark ages.

The reps chose Crelly over a very good candidate as Katarina said. She's a prof'l road person. She sd the quotes discussed at the board mtg for LeviTrap and AggreBind were very high and she knows we can get similar products for a lot less. She was invited to the subcommittee's mtg to share her knowledge.

Finance Committee meetings are open to the membership. Please come visit.
Originally posted by Katarina

I also hear Craig Crelly was appointed on the board..... over a really really qualified candidate. (the fix was in)If you can recall, he was the president before( and a really really really really bad one) and told all of us members that "The board can do what it wants". Now does that sound like someone you want to deal with and will follow our bylaws? Does it not make your skin crawl that it is his wife who is now working in our office? Think I'm gonna puke.

Actually members have heard Crelly say this, "What the membership wants doesn't matter, the board can do what they want."

That BTW, is "alternate facts". HPP's Article of Incorp states that the board is Subordinate to the membership. Crelly's boards have been Insubordinate to the Association. The bylaws say "Article VIII Sec 8 "Except for the limitations set by the Articles of Incorp and by these bylaws as to actions to be authorized or approved by the membership and subject to the duties of the directors as prescribed by the bylaws......"

An attorney after hearing the board gave away their fiduciary duties when they gave the GM "absolute authority to hire and fire", replied "THEY CAN'T DO THAT!!!" Well they did!
Message from Leslie Blyth:

Dear Membership,
There are deep seated, toxic problems with HPPOA. There have and unfortunately still are serious issues, actions and conduct being done improperly. You as members deserve better, but you have to demand better. It’s your money, you are the association, you have rights and are entitled to know where and how your money is being spent, and you have a right to demand better. There are elections for 4 districts.

If you want change, if you want answers, if you want things done right, it takes the right people. Imagine the changes that can be done with 4 new board members added to the 3 currently fighting to do what is right and follow the by laws. But you need to step up. My agenda has always been to be honest, follow the by laws, find out where the money is going, do things right and be transparent.

If no-one volunteers for your district then it goes to appointees. Trust me things are not right, if you want change, change the board. Come to the membership meeting, talk to me, I will be there to talk to you. When your Finance Committee is being shut out and denied the basic reports as your eyes and ears on where your money is going, people something is wrong wrong wrong. Voices count, stand up and create change.
Thank you eric1600 for these recent board director posts from FB so all can read their messages.

It's good to hear what's going on straight from a rep's perspective.
There is NO exaggeration in her statement. The issues are VERY serious. If the members don't step up and say or do something, then some say we get what we deserve. Now is not the time to put your head in the sand.

Their actions are pointing to specific agendas, it's not hard to connect the their agenda to obstruct the forensic analysis OR the Finance Committee from seeing and having input on what goes on w/YOUR $$$$ ??? We have a new Bond, and the FC is supposed to be working w/the GM on the fiscal budget, not letting the GM go solo on this task. Do you want the membership's checks and balances taken out of the equation? It certainly smells of the same stench as what's been going on w/these same people with the last budget. This is YOUR committee that the board is trying to obstruct AND control. Is that OK w/you?

You can also email your district rep to say your peace, but please cc the whole board. If your district rep isn't representing you and the membership's best interest, and protecting your money, then they should be removed. If you voted for them, your district can remove them through a recall process that is described in the bylaws Article VIII sec 7 Removal. If you have any questions, I believe I can help on that.

If they filled a vacancy, it would take a board vote to remove them, but you sure as heck can let the board know what you think about "their" choice.

Here's the email addresses for your district rep:, and so forth up to and including

If you see any of these same names running for the upcoming election, beware.
Do people on paved roads care about what’s going on? Add those to the ones who just don’t care and you get what we have.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Do people on paved roads care about what’s going on?

No, they already got theirs.

Consider that HPP is a near-perfect model of the County government -- yet even with a smaller, somewhat more involved populace, the problems are apparently unfixable.

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