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Tenant Trouble
One of the unfortunate realities here that the evicting landlord on occasion becomes complicit in helping the undesirable tenant find a new place (something the tenant will need to do if they are not staying with friends) [And by the way, "staying with friends" often ends of being a problem for yet another landlord.]

The tenant being being eased out demands that the landlord give a good reference. (They won't leave until they find a new place.)

We had an interesting experience trying to verify a reference for someone seeking to rent. Called the landlord; he just sent us a short text (the tenant is fine) and would never answer his phone. When we finally reached him in person he started hemming and hawing when we questioned the tenant's qualifications in detail. He was finally honest enough to be straight on this situation.

Just one more thing to watch for...
To all posters, don't under any circumstances do long term rentals, period.
Just don't.
Do you mean do only month-to-month tenancy (which can be very hard to evict too) as opposed to 6 or 12 months leases?

Or do you mean do only vacation rentals, which have a different set of rules than renting to regular tenants?

I have a rental and always start with a six month lease. Once the six months is up it automatically converts to month to month. When a tenant has wanted out early for what ever reasons I just release them. Meanwhile I don't much want someone to come in for a month or so and blow leaving me a cleaning reset task.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
MarkD @ 11:37:32 01/28/2018-
I would do only vacation rentals.
No locals, or anybody, month to month or leases.
Too much BS, too financially and personally dangerous.
Clear enough for you?
I tried vacation rentals and found the hassel with constant turnover and cleaning and taxes too much.

But if you are happy doing Vaca rentals that's great. Just don't expect everyone to agree with you.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob Tucker @ 12:26:03 01/28/2018-
I understand your point Rob, but if I wanted to produce income from a property
of mine, the headaches of VR's are preferable to the potential disasters of
long term rentals.
Just gotten to the point where I won't do either anymore, County and State being
the way that they are, and now with Federal "tax reform" too.
Screw the little guys some more I suppose.
Thank you for your comment.
I think Mr. Nice Guy's offer was a very interesting solution. It'd make a great movie.
I am with you Punatic, in that I no longer offer my properties through residential rental, choosing to only use vacation rental for much of the same reasons that you mentioned. It all boils down to the police, the courts and even the law not being on the landlords side.
Except that doing vacation rentals instead of long term means you've got the same problem magnified a thousand times. Instead of trying to find one reliable person and have them stay there for years, you're getting new people every few days. Tourists may be less likely to destroy your house on average, but get lots of them coming through and you're bound to get some jerks.

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