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HPP road maintainence
Here is the new product that the majority board voted for at the Jan 2018 board mtg to try 2 TEST miles at a cost of $100,000. I'm emphasizing "test" bc this is where the former boards FAILED when THEY chose chip seal. NO TEST ROADS, no matter what these people say. I watched closely and there were NO TEST ROADS.

Unfortunately, this majority board disregarded the FC proposal to try the LeviTrap at a cost of $50,000. LeviTrap and AggreBind are the same or similar product. LeviTrap offered to do one free road and we had hoped to do an extra mile at the same time and get 2 miles for $50,000. During the discussion, two road professionals in the peanut gallery stated we could get either the same exact product or similar for a heck of a lot cheaper. The majority board disregarded their input, and went ahead and approved spending $100,000. $100,000 = 304 lot owners fees. One would think to look at that information...same or similar product but a heck of a lot cheaper???? AggreBind is what the GM wanted.

The FC was proposing that the test roads sit for a minimum 6 months and select 2 roads w/the most challenges in topography, traffic and maintenance. Do a thorough assessment BEFORE moving forward and spending any more money. That is a true TEST ROAD.

Had they done that w/the chip seal, we wouldn't have so many shoddy chip seal roads today, OUR money, down the toilet. IMO, they've been pretty reckless and wasteful of our money over the past few years. Please pay close attention to what they do from here forward.

This product like the LeviTrap, after careful preparation of the road base, requires just a water truck to spray the product down. The up side to this product and LeviTrap, and UNLIKE chip seal, is that asphalt can be installed right on top of this. So it's supposed to be a good temporary dust abatement until we get asphalt. It is environmentally friendly and harmless to all plants and animals and is a water based polymer.

"AggreBind cures by evaporation and the compaction of the soil, which typically achieves 99.7-99.9% maximum density and is capable of sustaining 20 Ton trucks w/in a couple of hours and 100 Ton trucks in about 6-8 hrs. Essentially, as soon as an AggreBind road is compacted and sealed, the base becomes operational as a road. AggreBind eliminates the need for these extra vehicles and operations."
One would think to look at that information...same or similar product but a heck of a lot cheaper????

Again: assumes that "fixing the roads" is the actual deliverable, when evidence suggests that "fleecing the members of their dues" is the real project.
The likes of "mermaids" only serve to stir the pot of an endless and unproductive diatribe, for the only purpose of creating and adoring following under the pretense of sapience.

Queue up to join the firing squad, I expect no less from the keyboard activists.

I just came back from my mainland home...road in taters...neighbors at the end of the rope complaining to each other. I went to the office and within a day they machinery was working on the whole of the dead end with added material, was it perfect? No,but the road is transitable. The problem is the growing population of aholes that peel the roads with suv's, damned UPS in a hurry, and the one idiot that lets his kids destroy the road by racing their darned ATV's.

Hey John, what do you think about the AggreBind polymer? I had no idea it was going on any of our roads until I read about it here. I hope it works out. It's a foot in the right drection.
Mermaid brought up a valid question. If the same product is available for a lot less why wouldn't they look into it first? Will they end up having to raise our road fees 10% next year?

Now that they've stopped chip sealing they're getting back to maintaining the roads. A real positive.

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